Chapter 35

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"Whatcha doing?" I asked suddenly, sneaking out on to the balcony. I giggled as I watched Harry's shoulders jerk in surprise as he snapped his little black book closed.

"Nothing" Harry eye'd me in mock annoyance as I came to sit on the wicker love-seat he was currently occupying. I folded myself in as close as I could manage. I watched as he tucked the slim notepad between his thigh and the arm of the chair, my eyes getting caught on the tattoo of a tiger inked into his thick thigh.

"Are you keeping secrets from me, Mr Styles?" I feigned hurt but in reality I knew exactly what the notebook contained.

"Of course not, Miss Henley" he retorted, "but it's not finished. I'll show you when it's finished"

"Are you writing songs about me again?" I fluttered my eyelashes attempting to embarrass him.

"For once, no actually" He chuckled. "Just about the other woman in my life"

I frowned, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Our daughter, Nora. It's about our daughter"

My eyes blew wide in surprise. I gasped "you're writing a song for Avery? Harry that's so cute" I exclaimed.

"Isn't she lovely, isn't she wonderful" I began belting out.

"Who sings that song again?" Harry interrupted suddenly, his brow furrowed in confusion

"What?" I asked gobsmacked that Harry didn't know. "Stevie Wonder!"

"Yeah let's keep it that way" He smirked looking back down at his little book of lyrics.

"You're a git" I tried to hide my giggle but it was too hard when I was faced with Harry's sudden beaming smile. It was probably my favourite smile, his grin was so wide, his dimple was on display and he looked so young and carefree.

"I love you, Angel, but you don't have the voice of one" Harry soothed wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer into his side.

You'd think I'd be used to it by now but I still got butterflies every time he said that.

"Twat, we can't all be Harry Styles" I grumbled quietly resting my head on his chest.


I jerked awake from my doze. I closed my eyes again and swallowed trying to clear the cotton wool feeling in my mouth. The air conditioning in the villa gave me a serious case of dry mouth. I opened my eyes a crack to try and work out how I'd got here. The villa was silent and I tried to recall where everyone was. I don't even remember falling asleep. I stretched out on the couch as my memories slowly trickled in. Harry took Avery to the beach a little while ago. I started reading my kindle on my phone and then clearly, I fell asleep.

I searched for my phone which I'd conventionally placed on the coffee table beside the couch. Grabbing it, I noticed I had a few notifications. Swiping, I opened a message from Allison first.

Looking 🔥

Looking 🔥

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