Chapter 7

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(Art work is done by Elentori! They're an amazing artist so you should go check them out! This doesn't really have to do with the chapter other than it being Lance. He is beautiful and this picture captures it.)


School is almost over. That means our game is coming up. Even though it's just a game and we have them quite a bit everyone seems to be there. They make it a huge thing and everyone's excited about it. That is, except Keith. He just goes there for his brother. All we have left is flex. My flex is in my History class. It's one of my favorites. The teacher is nice and during flex let's us do anything. My plan is to work on an essay that's due soon. I have plenty of time but doing homework helps me relieve stress. Let's me focus on something other than my current problems.

"Hello students! What a beautiful Friday! Tonight our Lions are going head to head with Galra High! We hope to see you there! Tickets will be passed out to everyone and Coach Alfor is asking that all football players please meet up in the gym! Have a great night and go Lions!"

The intercom clicks off and our teacher starts passing out the tickets.

"If your on the team you may leave."

Me along with three other boys get up and head out the door. One of them comes up to me.

"Hey Lance. Ready for the game?"

I nod.


"So hey, I was wondering if you were maybe going out with Shelby."

I look at him curiously.


"Shelby. I was uh- wondering if you guys were dating."

"No... Why?"

"No reason!"

He looks down but I can already see the redness spreading across his face.

"Do you like her?"

He gives me a deer in the headlights look and I laugh.

"It's fine. You're free to ask her out all you want. If I'm dating someone you'll know."

He smiles and nods.

"Kay. Thanks."

"No problem."

We continue walking and eventually make it to the gym. When we get there other players are gathered around and I can hear Coach Alfor talking. I join the group and listen through the talk. After it's done he lets us all go to wait until the bell rings. I catch sight of Roman walking off to the side. In front of him is Drake. I'm surprised when I see the dark purple and black circle covering one of Drake's eyes. It looks extremely painful. Even more when Roman turns I catch sight of a bruises all over him. I guess Keith's pretty good at defending himself if this is how his attackers turned out. Our gym is connected to another gym. In that gym is where the cheerleaders practice before the games. Almost immediately a bunch of the football players headed over to that door to watch them. The boys gathered around the door and whisperd to each other as time went by. Pointing out which girls looked hot and which ones they would like to date. Finally the bell rung signaling the end of school. Everyone headed into the changing rooms to get ready. This was going to be a good night. I could already tell.

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