The End (but with lots of parts)

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(It's been awhile and I've just come to apologize and say that I've lost inspiration for this story and that I appreciate everyone who followed it.

For those of you who are interested I will post everything I have left for this and it goes pretty far into the future. I'm sorry again!)

 After the bell rings I gather my stuff but before I go Hunk coughs beside me. I look over at him and he points with his eyes towards the doorway. When I look up I spot Nyma. I groan as she smiles and waves.

"Good luck."

Hunk whispers before leaving. I grab my last thing and slowly make my way towards her. She steps up beside me as I walk to my next class. One she unfortunately has with me.

"So, I heard you weren't going to prom."


I warn.

"I was just curious. I'm open to staying home."

"No. I like someone else."

At that she freezes. I immediately realize my mistake and my eyes snap to her.


She almost growls.

"It's not important."

"Is it that Shelby bitch? I know she likes you."

"Drop it Nyma."

I walk ahead of her but she yanks me back.

"Who. Is. It?"

I pull away and frown.

"You don't need to know."

I reply before walking away.

"Hey Keith."

"Hi Allura."

"You helping out here for your free period?"


I sit down beside her and she speaks up.

"How's your day been?"


She sighs before reaching behind her and grabbing something. She holds it out to me and I give her a blank look.


"Fruit snacks. Just take them."

I do and she turns to the computer.

"The library is extremely boring when no one is here."

"Pretty much."

"Is that why you come here? To brood by yourself."

"I don't brood."

"You do. I've known you for quite awhile so you can't deny it."

I roll my eyes and she grins.

"Or... maybe it's because your mind's stuck on something. Correction. Someone."

I shoot her a glare and her grin only grows.

"Aw. I've never seen you so stuck over someone."

"That's because I haven't been stuck on someone."

"Until now."

She finishes. I lay my head on the table and groan.

"Just kill me now."

"It's okay to like someone. The first step is accepting the feelings."

Golden BoyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя