Chapter 15

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"I'm so hungry!"
Pidge complains while throwing her stuff down next to mine.

"Why do they have our lunch so fucking late!"

She sits down and takes out her laptop.

"I'm with you on that one."

"My one release is this period."

She reaches down again and pulls out a granola bar.

"Thank the gods for this teacher not giving a shit about what happens in her class."

I snort and look up from my paper.

"Don't let her hear that."

Pidge frowns and points the bar at me.

"She can't take this from me or else it's called starving someone. I will sue."

I nod.

"You tell her that when she finally catches on."

"Which will never happen."

Pidge adds.

"Whatever you say."

"Oh! I invited Keith to sit with us at lunch. Hunk told me I should tell you so you don't freak out or something."

I blink at her in surprise.


She inspects my face before leaning back in her chair.

"You like him, don't you?"

"What?! No."

She grins and takes a bite of the bar.


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