Rogue ~ pink frog

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(Pre A/N:  Ok warrning, I got bored and so I made him a bit of a pervert near the end sooooo......yeah...sorry that this sucks and it's a bad idea, I told you I can't be Rogue gomenasai)

You hesitantly put your hand into the hat, and started to feel around. You felt several things, but nothing really felt right. Your hand grazed something, it was plastic and lumpy? You pulled it out and it was a small PVC frog figure. It wasn't green like how one would expect, no it was pink. You looked up, figuring someone would stand up, but no one did. DId someone put this in as a joke? You looked over to Rogue, your long time crush, though. He was laughing at Sting....Hmm...That doesn't really seem like him... but then as if he feel your eyes on him he looked up at you. Without saying a word he just walked into the closet.

"What are you staring at?" Asked Max snapping you out of you're thoughts.

"Huh? Oh,'s nothing..." You said and walked in after Rogue. The door closed behind you and it was pitch black in the room. "Rogue?" You asked to try and find his location. However you got no response. "Rogue?" you tried again. But still nothing, you opened your mouth to say something again, but before any noises came out you were up against the wall...your lips were ummm...occupied. Rogue was kissing you, and it was sloppy and wet and you could taste the liquor from his lips, even if it wasn't what you had hoped you still were kissing him.

You pushed him off you, he whimpered a little. "Rogue are you drunk?" You asked meekly.

"A little bit," he hiccuped. Of course he is, he'd never want to kiss me if he want totally slammed.

You sighed, "Look Rogue.....I....I really like more then a friend, and I just can't bare to stand kissing you when I know you'd never even think about it if your weren't off your rocking chair drunk, so...please...don't make me do this, cause if you kiss me again I don't know if I could push you away again,"

"Heh,"  He hiccuped again, "Don't you z (see) I do live (love) you, but I didn't thought (he means think) you'd wike (he means he's really drunk) me, so I had a bit to drink cause Sting said it would help me tell goo (you get it together Rogue!)" He brought his face really close to yours, you could smell the alcohol, it was very prominent.

"W-wait, really?"  You asked dumbstruck. 

"Course i do!  I think 'bout you 'lot.  Sting says it's kinda creepy," he replied resting his head on your shoulder.  This made you blush emensly, you could fry an egg on there, anyone for breakfast?

"O-oh.." was all you could get out, your head was flooded with different thoughts.  but the most prominent one of all was I'm in a locked closet with my drunk crush...WHO LIKES ME BACK!! 

"What?"  he said looking into your eyes,  his red eyes almost glowing...slowly you noticed his eyes start to close and get closer, his warm breath coming closer to your mouth.  He was about to kiss you again, and boy did you want it, GOD DID YOU WANT IT!  but you couldn't.  You stopped him putting your hand on his chest, his eyes opened again and he looked at you. 

"Not till you're sober," you said sternly.  he frowned a bit, then you could swear you could see a smirk on his face but it was so dark and the light was surely playing tricks.  You were about to say something else but suddenly he disappeared.  "R-rogue?"  You asked slightly frightened.  you looked in a circle but didn't see him.

Suddenly a voice came from under you.  "You know this is a really nice view of you.."  Oh god he didn't!  You looked down and saw shadow form Rogue right under you, obviously looking up your skirt.  You gave a slight squeal and was about to do something, what it was you don't know, but before you could the door came swinging open to reveal Sting.  he automatically looked at your feet and smirked. 

"Rogue you know you shouldn't be looking up girls skirts.." he smirked.  Rogue zoomed out from under you and stood beside Sting who turned to go back into the main room, you figured Rogue was leaving with him and looked at your feet, slightly ashamed.  But something grabbed your hand, when you looked up it was a smiling Rogue.  You smiled back and silently walked out of the closet back to the others, no one said anything or did anything, it just seemed....natural.

~~~~~~~~~~A/N:  Hey guys, sorry about the long wait, and even after the long wait all I gave you was this bad story.  anyway, WOW you guys sure did request, and I know I've replied to a few comments about this but I just wanted to inform you ALL that I will NOT be doing a Gajeel one, I love him to much and it's just not goona happen.  You're more than welcome to read my OC X Gajeel story (Even though it's REALLY long)  hehahheheheheh shameless self plug.  but I won't do a Gajeel 7 minutes in heaven.  On another topic.....GUYS YOU HAVE GIVEN ME 10 FREAKING THOUSAND READS!  HOW?! WHY?! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH i CAN'T EXPLAIN!!  Anywho, hopefully you wont have to wait as long for the next update, i'm really sorry...but IDK whoi'mma do next, I know I don't wanna do Stign cause that's WAY to hard after having just done Rogue.'re welcome to request but no promises.

Edit: I just got an evil idea, if you want me to do a have to make me laugh while still requesting it, for example When JustALonelySoul(Senpai has noticed you rejoice) requested Zeref, I gave a little just something ok?

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