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I know I know "COME ON PLAIDPRINT!  YOU HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER!! And the one time you do, it's not even a character?!  What's up with that?!"  Is What you're thinking, and I agree, I have been slacking lately.  I did get my new laptop, but I haven't really made any progress on anything, I've just been drawing a lot, and preparing for the anime convention I'm going to at the end of the month.


Fairy Tail 7 Minutes in Heaven:
I have started on the next chapter of this, it's Sting and Rogue as requested by FairyAnime, it's kinda started, the three of you are going into the closet, once I get something in my mind I'll be done really quick, but till then I don't know when I will get any major work done.....

I have barely started on the next chapter, what's been happening is I write bit for farther in the future, but nothing as of right now, however, my friends have been trying to help me, and I hope I'll update it soon as in probably Early September (What chu talkin' bout PlaidPrint?  That's like a month away, that's not soon!  I know I'm sorry)

Not A Drag:
Ok, so I haven't updated this since March, and I don't know if I will again, maybe, but nothing has came to me plot wise since I last updated, sorry.....

~~As always I love you all, thank you so much for reading my SUCKY stories, and for all your support, also, everyone has been requesting which makes me really happy, but seeing as I'm not really motivated right now, I may or may not get to those requests for quite some time~~


EDIT:  Ok, so I have realized that I SUCK!!!!! at writing as Sting and Rogue, SO I HAVE NO IDEA WHEN THIS WILL COME OUT!

UPDATE ON HOW SUCKY I AM: 8/21/14      Ok, so I decided you know what screw it, i'm sorry ._. I'll just do one that's Rogue and one that's Sting, I tried I really did, but I JUST COULDN'T DO IT!!!! I give you permission to hate my guts....

{DISCONTINUED}    Fairy Tail 7 minutes in heaven (Character X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now