xxi. Starry Night

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Chapter Twenty-OneStarry Night

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Chapter Twenty-One
Starry Night

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Davina played with her hands in frustration. She'd barely eaten the food on her plate the morning before the Valentine's Day Trip and Roman discussing Sirius' plans for the two that day was not helping her anxiousness.

Nonetheless, she smiled and nodded along with her friends words, playing close attention despite the anxiety that rattled at her bones. "I truthfully did not believe he could pull something like this off, but I suppose I was wrong," Roman said with a smile playing at her lips. Sirius Black has been pegged at the school's player, so Roman wasn't exactly weary around him. She knew what he was capable of, but she thought if Sirius was being true and genuine then she should give him a chance. After all, what was the worst that could happen?

When Davina saw Roman's excited smile, she couldn't help but calm down a little at how her friend had found someone that made her feel euphoric. She silently cursed herself for even feeling the slightest bit jealous of her.

      "Has James brought it up at all?" Roman suddenly asked. She watched as Davina's smile fell. The girl shook her head, "Not necessarily. Hey, are you meeting Sirius there or do you think you could walk with me down to the village?"

      "I can meet him there," Roman agreed. Davina sighed in relief knowing Roman would be there for her when she needed it most.

      After finishing what they could of breakfast, they made their way to class to finish the day. Davina had only seen James in class and there hadn't been any mention of them continuing the plan. She didn't exactly know what was going to happen and frankly, she felt awful about it. It especially didn't help answering Florence's questions about James.

She loved her sister, truly, she did. However, she didn't exactly like answering her questions about her relationship status every two minutes.

Davina sighed, turning in her bed as she finally fell asleep — another thing she was lacking since she returned to Hogwarts was sleep. The first few nights were some of the worst. Her mind had never been as clouded or awake as she laid in bed. It wasn't until the early hours of the morning that she finally fell unconscious out of sheer exhaustion.

The night before the trip had been no different. When she woke up the next day, she hurried to the bathroom to shower, fix her makeup and lastly prepare her outfit. Roman helped her choose her outfit: a pink coat, layered over a white sweater, jeans and snow boots. Nothing too formal or casual.

"You look great, DJ," Roman complimented as she adjusted her beanie. The Diggory girl's style was darker compared to the Covey. Her black sweater was paired with a comfy plaid button-up, that was left unbuttoned, leggings and snow boots.

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