Chapter 1

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A/N - This is my first fanfiction! Please don't forget to vote and leave comments for editing and any suggestions!

This was originally going to be a oneshot, but my best friend Freya (hey bestie!) wanted a full blown story... So here you go!

Word Count - 751

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Remus –

The business of platform 9 ¾ helps to drown out the nervousness I've become familiar with at the start of every new year at Hogwarts. I'm used to being constantly buried in my thoughts, but this time is different. This time, there is one subject I can't quite get rid of from the back of my mind...

The one and only Sirius Black.

The boy I am hopelessly falling in love with.

If only he knew...

Sirius –

As I leap onto the moving train that is steadily increasing in speed, I sigh in relief. I made it. I have successfully escaped my family's clutches for an entire 6 months, with no way to physically harm me.

As I begin the lazy journey to the usual compartment the Marauders normally occupy, my thoughts begin to wander back to the one boy that had been residing in my mind and keeping me sane throughout the holidays...

Remus Lupin.

The boy who had my attention since the day we first met on the Hogwarts Express.

I remember it clearly: the way he curled into himself when he sat on the chair, entranced in a book he was cradlling in his lap that was thick enough to have used a whole tree to create. The way his golden eyes scanned the room and quickly focused on me when I opened the sliding door. The way my breath hitched at the sound of his melodic voice when he introduced himself. The way my façade of stupor and boredom almost immediately came crashing down around me.

The way he made me decide that I wasn't going to be like my family and how I would choose to make my own path.

The way he made me fall in love with him.

I'm brought back to my senses when I realise that I'm at the sliding door that is currently occupied by none other than James and Moony himself.

He must have noticed my presence with his heightened werewolf senses, as he glanced towards the door from behind his book, revealing his piercing gaze.

I guess some things never change.

I shuffle in place, feeling caught, although I'm not sure why, before grinning and strolling into the compartment, hoping that my act of fake confidence would help give my slight blush beginning to form across my face.

Remus -

As Siri awkwardly enters the room, James glanced up from whatever the hell he was doing and tackled his best friend into a hug.

His blush doesn't go unnoticed my enhanced vision.

A sharp pang went through my chest, and I felt my face flushing at the thought of me doing the hugging instead James... Among other things of course.

Prongs gives me a strange look, but I shrug it off and he turns away from me. He knows I'll come to him if I need to, after all of them already know about my "furry little problem".

I don't think that they would mind my sexuality, but the thought of Sirius knowing how I feel about him is utterly humiliating!

There is no doubt that he is straight, or at least attracted to girls. The amount of times that he returned to the common room after hours with a flustered look on his gorgeous face were countless, and the winks, stares and outright flirting towards him made me want to puke or strangle someone, preferably the person committing these villainous acts.

Padfoot takes a seat next to me, making it slightly more difficult to breath without concentrating too much. I can feel his chocolate eyes scanning me, and I can't help but fidget over his stare. 

After a momentary pause, he simply states, "Someone got taller,"

I give him a sideways glance from behind my book and snarkily reply with, "Well there are certainly no doubts that it wasn't you, Short Stuff,"

We both laugh at my lame attempt at a joke, breaking the awkward tension in the air.

James sighs in mock disappointment, simply stating, "Ladies, please keep the flirting to a minimum," which shut us both up instantly.

The tension is back.

It's going to be a long train ride.

~ • ~

A/N - Soo what do you think? Please leave feedback!

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