Chapter 4

15.7K 538 773

A/N - Feels

Word Count - 688

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(Time Skip)

Sirius -

Our group casually enters the dorm that we will be sharing together for the rest of the year. The scarlet and gold décor add a homey vibe that will always be more welcoming than the cold floors and pristine walls at 12 Grimmauld Place, making me sigh in relief as I take in the relaxing space surrounding us.

Remus strides over to a bed, his long legs carrying him gracefully. When I said he had gotten tall, I meant it. His towering status would be intimidating if he didn't have such a cute face. And his hair, oh his hair. The way his soft, golden hair was slightly messy and paired amazingly with his eyes gets me lost in a hazy daydream every time I think about them. His features are relaxed, soft and adorable, giving him the appearance of having a baby face.

"- I mean, are you serious?!" I hear James exclaim, forcing me back into the real world of disappointment.

"No that would be me," I cheekily reply, after zoning back into the conversation at last.

James looks at me, exasperated.

"The first day back isn't even over yet, and you're already making terrible puns," he pauses deliberately for dramatic effect, before continuing his long list of complaints.

"Why me? Why her? Why does she have to be so damn beautiful all the damn time? Why does she suddenly want to talk to me after years of rejection? Ahhhhh!" he says before free falling onto his bed.

I can't help but sympathise with him about the confusion his childhood crush is causing. It's not like I know much better.

"Girls are so confusing," he mutters into his pillow.

"You got that right," I say back to him, glancing over at Remus as I say this. When my gaze meets his blazing stare, both of our faces become unnaturally hot, and all I can do is assume he was also thinking about the multiple train incidents. This goes unnoticed by our oblivious friends.

We look away from each other almost as soon as we met.

"Maybe, just maybe, you should use some of that Gryffindor bravery and ask her out on a real date instead of those fake, attention seeking ones that everyone knows you don't really mean," Remus says with a grin and makes his dimples show, which begins doing strange things to my stomach.

"I gotta say Prongs, Moony makes a fair point," I say, nodding my head in agreement, which earns me a blush from the taller boy. "You have to tell her how you genuinely feel instead of covering up your insecurities with sarcasm and jokes," I say with a light punch to Prongs' arm. Little did he know I seriously needed to use some of my advice.

Remus -

As the two boys converse on how to capture Lily's heart, with Peter occasionally adding to the plan, I start to unconsciously draw something in my sketchbook.

The calming feeling of a pencil running across paper soothes me, momentarily distracting me from the world around me. I'm not quite sure what it is that I am creating, but the pencil seems to know what it's doing, so, naturally, I go with it.

Eventually, a face appears on my page, and it wasn't until I was done when I realise who it is that I drew.

Place your bets.
Who could it possibly be?
Oh, wow.
Plot twist ahead.

Sirius Black.

What. A. Shocker.

Something is definitely wrong with me.

As discreetly as possible, I move to put my stuff away so it doesn't draw any unwanted attention to my embarrassing sketch of Padfoot.

Not that it was bad or anything, it was actually one of my best if I say so myself; but it was Sirius Bloody Black.

Luckily, the boys are still huddled together while discussing their plans for Lily I assume, which gives me a good cover to move off my bed and place the book under my suitcase.

After a few hours of chattering, we all go to bed, bellies full, minds at ease (for the most part), and peace filling the dormitory, lulling us into a well needed sleep.

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