Chapter 8

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A/N - I literally started crying when I wrote this I am not ok so much fluff :)

World Count - 670

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Sirius -

I'm not sure when he fell asleep on me, or when we even lay down, but I sure wasn't complaining. Having a hot guy falling asleep on my lap definitely wasn't the worst thing in the world.

I instinctively started stroking his sandy blonde hair, and it was surprisingly softer than I imagined it to be. I loved the way my hands tangled in it, feeling like they were a part of him.

My hands gradually trailed down to the back of his neck, touching the soft skin behind the collar of his robes. I felt goosebumps form under my touch, and he shivered slightly. 

I trailed my fingers along his skin in random swirls, and he let out a small sigh of relaxation.

I smiled at this, my heart fluttering that I was the cause of his happiness and blissful state.

My hands glided over his skin, and down to his arms. As I caressed them I noticed all of the scars from his monthly transformations up close, and I paid special attention to them when I touched them.

And I went back to his face. There was a large scar that went from his left eye through to the right cheek, crossing over the middle of his face. He looked pretty damn badass if you ask me.

He always hid them under his uniform if he could, and thought they were an ugly mess. But they were a part of him, a part that I was slowly but surely falling in love with.

Cheesy, I know.

Yeah, I was falling in love with Remus Lupin. If that wasn't already bloody obvious.

I felt myself drifting off beside him, and I happily welcomed the chance of sleep that I hadn't been offered in a long time.

I gave in to the pull of calmness and slipped into darkness alongside Moony, and I had never felt happier.

Remus -

I had never felt happier. 

I could tell it was Sirius, but I didn't have the energy or will-power to move myself away from his addicting touch. I was stuck between the state of dreaming and being awake, and I loved every moment of it.

I felt so small lying there with my body on top of his, and there was something so intimate with the way he was holding me. The orange glow of the flickering fire next to us added a soft aura to the common room, and I was sincerely thankful that we were alone so no one could ruin this.

His arms snaked their way around me and encased me in his warmth. I snuggled closer to his body, surrounding myself in his manly scent that was only attractive on him.

I positioned my face so it became buried in his neck. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes in pure happiness. So this is what heaven felt like. The muggles knew what they were talking about.

I drifted back into a hazy sleep next to the love of my life, Sirius Black.

James - 

Hi, yeah, um, why the hell are they not dating?

Sirius -

I woke up a few hours later, and I could tell we skipped lunch from the emptiness in my stomach.

How sad.

I felt him stir on top of me and relaxed my grip on him so he could move, or, you know, breathe.

I quickly glanced around the common room and see a few 2nd years ogling us - tangled up with one another. I smirked at them and made eye contact, silently daring them to say something, and they all scurried to look back to whatever they were supposed to be doing.

Probably some pointless potions homework.

Remus woke up slowly and sleepily sat up next to me. He glanced back and looked directly into my eyes, a blush slowly spreading across his face.

He is too cute for this world.

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