Chapter 9

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A/N - I'm so sorry.

Word Count - 610

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Remus -

What. The. Hell.

I managed to fall asleep on him. Could someone please tell me how?

I looked into his eyes that held a pool of earthy tones to search for any signs of regret or hate that had to have been there; but they only glimmered like a shining copper coin glinting in the golden sunlight of a clear afternoon, becoming more and more amused at my reaction.

His eyes softened slightly and he shifted closer to me, not breaking eye contact. I found myself lost in him, a perfect blanket of peace laying across the both of us, and I edged closer also. I sat myself in front of him so I could look at his whole face at once and draw in all of his handsome features.

My hand rose on its own accord and affectionately traced his softly defined cheekbone. He closed his eyes and hummed quietly, and I could see a hint of a smile on his lips.

He raised his eyelids to look at me, and his vision flickered to my lips and back to meet my gaze. He leaned in and placed a gentle hand on the back of my neck, a similar spot of where he holding me before. I could feel his warm breath tickling my face, and I moved in to meet him in the middle.

Wow this was happening.

We were just about to kiss when James Potter decided to barge his way into the room.

James -

I had spent my day in our dorm, moping around like a lovesick puppy waiting for its unrequited love to be returned. But Lily Evans would never love me, not willingly anyway.

I needed to spill my bottled up emotions, and since my normal ranting partner, Peter, wasn't available I would have to interrupt whatever the other two were doing.

And to my surprise I walked in on them almost kissing.

For those of you who may be wondering:

"Gee, I wonder if it's awkward walking in on your two best friends about to have a make out session?"

The answer is a definite yes, and I am also wondering why you are able to have gotten this far into the story.

Anyway, the moral of this weeks episode of 'Mistakes With James' is: don't interrupt anyone who may be about to kiss the love of their life. The results will not be pretty.

In my case, I was met with a furious Sirius Black, and an embarrassed Remus Lupin. It was quite a glorious sight, words can't seem to describe it.

Sirius -

Are you fucking kidding me?

He was right there. Right there.

And he was waiting for it too, willing for me crash my lips against his.

That was probably my wishful thoughts talking though.

I was pissed at James. His skill of bad timing never ceased to amaze me, especially this time around. But this was a different type of amazement. This was the type where you find out someone bites their ice-cream instead of licking it. The type similar to when you find out the amount trash muggles are dumping the oceans without a second thought.

It was terrifying in a way.

But it became twice as scary when Remus stood up from the couch with a beet-red face, and retreated to the dorm.

After a few awkward moments between me and James, he managed to sputter out a quiet, "Sorry." I didn't know how to respond appropriately, so I didn't. I simply turned and made my way to the dorm to find the one and only Moony.

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