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CHAPTER 19 | Lazy

Each of us was busy reading our respective texts, trying to memorize every piece of information correctly, so when we were going to explain the topic to the class, we didn't make a stuttering and uncomfortable mess in front of everyone. Well, that applied more to me, since I get really nervous when I have to speak in public. So I better say this right if I don't want that to happen.

We were so immersed in our reading and repeating, that we didn't notice there was an empty space in which a member of our team should be. Jaida was the first one who mentioned this.

"Hey." She said, making us turn our attention to her. "Where is Mark?"

That Mark. If he didn't come to class today, we all are going to get a very low grade in our project, him included. But he couldn't have missed class, not knowing that this project was super important, and failing it would increase the possibilities of him repeating chemistry again.

The first thing I did was to turn behind me, to see if he was sitting on his seat at the far left corner. Indeed, there he was, but now I could see the reason why he hadn't come to our team. His head was pressed against the table, both arms around it, covering it. The poor guy had fallen asleep.

"He's on his seat." I told Jaida. She turned to look as well.

"Is he sleeping?" She asked.

"It looks like he is."

"I think someone has to go and wake him up, don't you think?" She asked, looking at me and raising a brow suggestively.

I chuckled while I blushed a bit. "Why me?"

"Come on, just tell him to come here so we all can study together." She said.

I was nervous, but I kinda wanted to do this. I had to do this, or else Mark wasn't going to wake up anytime soon.

"Don't take too long!" Jaida joked as I stood up.

"Shh!" I shushed her for saying that a bit louder than normal. She just laughed and I rolled my eyes. Please don't let her turn into a fangirl like Amber.

I think I haven't explained things with Jaida since that night at the party. Well, she and I are still friends. What we did at the party was just some experimentation, so there were no strings attached between us. She's well aware of the fact that I'm bisexual and that I like Mark over all people in the world, and she accepts it.

Ok, maybe I don't only like Mark over all people. I admit I felt quite attracted to his brother, Wyatt, the instant I saw him. I still like some other guys at this school; but Mark, he's the most handsome and the number 1 in my top 10 of the hottest guys I've ever seen.

Besides, I know Vincent likes Jaida. It's pretty obvious by the way he defends her and how he looks at her. It also looks like he's having difficulty in winning her heart, and me dating her would just destroy him, and I don't want that for him. So I'll let him take his time to win the love of his life.

After I made my way over the many chairs and students walking around, I got to the far left corner where Mark was sleeping quietly. I sat on the empty seat in front of him. I would have done the obvious thing first, that is, shake him, yell his name, or smack his head so he would wake up. What I did instead, though, was to take my time to admire him while he slept.

Although I couldn't see his face, he looked so peaceful sleeping. His stomach moved rhythmically with every breath he took, rising and falling. I could even see the fingers of his hand twitching lightly, as if he was having a dream, or a nightmare. Whatever it was, I'm sure there was something in his mind at this moment that made his body make those involuntary movements. I smiled at the thought, how cute he looked doing that.

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