Chapter Nine

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“I’m nervous.” I whisper to Kellan clutching his hand as we wait in the elevator for the labor and delivery floor.

“I know, Sweetheart, so am I.” He lifted my hand to kiss it. The door opened and we walked in me clutching Kellan for dear life.

“Miss Stone?” A nurse asked looking at the two of us.

“Yes?” She smiled at me pointing to an empty room.

“This way please. You’ll need to put this gown on and lay on the bed.” I nodded as Kellan put my bag down on the floor.

“You want help?” He asked me as I took off my hoodie and my hat.

“No, I think I can get it.” I undressed in the bathroom and slipped on the gown without needing any help. I sat down on the bed as a nurse came in to put my IV in.

“Long time, no see.” Dr. Holden laughed walking into the room. I smiled weakly at him as Kellan rubbed at my sore back. “I’m going to give you some drugs that will help induce your labor.” I nodded at him put my hand onto Kellan’s knee and clutching it. “When you get to the point Sweetheart, we’ll give you your epidural. This is going to go smoothly.” He smiled hooking up the drug to my arm. “Any questions?” I shook my head.

“No Sir.” He patted my hand.

“Get comfortable.” He smiled at me. “Call if you need anything.” I nodded lying back in the bed. Kellan looked at me as I pulled the covers over me.

“Just think in a couple hours, our baby will be here.” He smiled leaning his head on the bed to star at me. I sighed.

“I wish it was quicker.” I said wrinkling my nose at him making him raise an eyebrow. “I just hope this isn’t going to be a really long birth.” I looked over as Dr. Holden walked back in.

“Don’t worry Sweetheart; we’d C-section you before that.” Kellan looked over at him shocked. “Her body couldn’t handle a long labor. Speaking of which, we’re going to have to check your iron levels every so often to make sure this isn’t taking too much of a toll on your body.”

“To make sure she doesn’t get hurt, right?” Kellan asked taking my hand and kissing it.

“Exactly. We want both Mommy and Baby good and healthy at the end of this.” He patted my leg. “I promise you both will be fine after this.” I nodded at him taking a deep breath. “Now relax, watch some TV. Tell a nurse if you’re hungry and they’ll get you something. We want you to be comfortable.” He handed me the remote. “Try to get some rest as well.” I nodded as he left the room.

“Try to get some sleep, Char.” He pulled the blankets up to my chin and kissed my head. “I’ll be back soon. I’m going to get a soda. Do you want anything?” I yawned turning onto my side.

“An iced tea please.” I mumbled closing my eyes.

“I love you.” He whispered before walking out of the room quietly as I fell into a light sleep….

…. “Ow, holy crap, ow.” I whimpered waking up from my nap. “Oh man, ow.” I opened my eyes gripping my stomach in pain.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” I looked at Kellan as the tears formed in my eyes.

“Ow.” I clutched his hand tightly in mine. “How long have I been out?” I asked rubbing my eyes as the contraction died down.

“A couple hours.” He moved the hair out of my eyes. I looked out the window blinking fast. “A little frazzled?” I nodded at him lying back on the bed. “Let me tell the Doc you’re up.” I nodded picking up the ice tea he tapped before leaving. I put it down picking up my phone to text Ella. I picked up Kellan’s phone and pressed his Netflix app and started to go through the TV shows to watch.

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