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                                                       Four Years Later

“Mommy, wake up.” I listened to the groan that came out of Kellan’s throat as he covered his face. “Mommy, I’m hungry.” Jamie’s voice squeaked as she tried to shake me.

“Go ask Daddy for breakfast.” I giggled wide awake. I’m used to the six o’clock wake ups from my daughter. She’s like her father, always hungry. She crawled over me sitting on her Daddy’s back trying to pull the pillow out of Kellan’s powerful grip.

“Daddy I’m hungry.” She whined at him. I couldn’t help the giggles as she pulled with all her three, now four, year old strength. “Daddy up!” She huffed at him. I felt another set of little hands pulling on the comforter trying to get up on the bed. I looked down at two big blue eyes getting frustrated at not being able to pull himself up on the bed.

“What are you doing you silly boy?” I smiled pulling him up onto me. He clapped happily moving to help his sister. Kellan pulled his face out from under the pillow. “How did he get out of his crib now?” He groaned.

“He’s the family Houdini. Isn’t that right Greyson?” I smiled at him as he giggled lying down on Kellan’s back.

“Your children are going to be the death of me.” He groaned putting his head back.

“Oh? They’re all my kids now?” I asked pulling at Greyson’s chubby legs making him sequel. Greyson, being the baby of the family, I still dote on him. He always has his father’s goof smile on his face. He’s the trouble maker of the group. He may only be a year and a half but he throws around his weight with his sister.

“They’re your kids before 7.” Jamie looked over at me rubbing her stomach.

“Mommy my tummy is all empty.” She pouted at me, her little lip popped out as far as she could get it.

“Okay Birthday Girl, what do you want for breakfast?” She beamed at me stepping over her father to tell me making Kellan grunt loudly.

“I want Manny’s!” She was jumping up and down making her blonde hair fly into her face. I was working with Manny for work. I usually would meet with him over lunch or breakfast at his diner which meant the kids came long. Jamie loved him and I have to say the way he fed her made me think he loves her too.  “I want Manny’s Mommy!” I smiled at her.

“Okay baby, anything for you. Do you want to go there and eat or want me to go pick it up?” She frowned at me. “What baby?” I asked her as Kellan turned over.

“I want to spend time with Daddy.” She frowned sniffing looking over at him sadly. She loves her Daddy.

“I’ll go pick it up now. You snuggle up with your Daddy while I go.” She smiled at me lying down on her father’s pillow cuddling up right to his side making him hug her tightly and kiss her head.

“Come take a nap with Daddy.” He smiled at her. She stuck her thumb into her mouth giving me a pointed look.

“I’m going, I’m going.” I shook my head as Greyson clung to me as I sat up. “Pushy. Takes after her Father.” I smiled walking to the dresser to pull out a pair of yoga pants to wear out and a bra and t-shirt. Greyson sucked his thumb as I put him on the bed so I can change.

“I heard that.” Kellan said moving his arm from over his eyes to look at me.

“Good.” I said popping my hip as I walked into the bathroom. I walked back in and smiled. This is like my family. Greyson fast asleep again with his butt in the air. I walked over kissing Kellan head. “I’ll be back later.” I walked out leaving the three of them to themselves. I walked down the hall and put my head into my oldest son’s room. “Harrison, want to come out with me?” He looked up from his v-tech. He blinked moving his hair out of his face.

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