ch 2

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Published 11/28/18

I sat up a little pushing my self to my knees shaking my head a bit to help get my vision back while 3 guards with guns sliding down the hill. There were 3 of them total around me. I was trapped between these men and the hill. "Target 626 has been reacquired" one spoke into a walkie talkie. They all began to close in on me I shuffled back till my back hit the dirt wall of the hill. I closed my eyes waiting for them to grab me but froze at the sound of shrieks and hoots coming from the trees that caught all of our attention.

I opened my mismatched eyes and they widened in shock. The soldiers turn around and also froze. The trees were covered in apes of all species and sizes and ages. My jaw opened just a bit in shock. I watched as 3 apes jumped from the trees landing with a thud. One was a large orangutan located to the left, one that radiated power and respect was a chimpanzeee located in between the two other apes and the third covered in scars was a bonobo located to the right. All three were covered in what seems like war paint. The chimp and bonobo held spears. While the orangutan watched me with gentle green eyes.

The chimp or as I assume the leader took a step forward. The soldiers lifted their guns and pointed at him. I froze watching them closely. I saw the ape take a deep breath "LEAVE" he screamed in a deep voice. I froze (he spoke) The soldiers also froze in shock too "it ... It... Can talk" one soldier shouted in shock. The ape held a stern glare to the soldiers he took another deep breath "GO" he shouted again. I saw the soldier on my right with a shacking hold on his gun lift his gun and aim it putting his finger on the trigger at the ape that spoke.

Without even thinking I forced my body to move and pushed my self in front of the ape just as a gunshot went off and pain exploded in my side. I fell to the ground with a thud cradling my shoulder clenching my teeth together because of the pain. I heard screeches, howls and hoots come from the apes in anger as the soldiers ran with the apes on their tails. I layed on my side till I could push myself onto my back.

My breathing was heavy and short. I heard twigs snap and soon the face of the ape I had saved stood above me. His green eyes were wise and had a warm feeling in them but they were also stern and gentle. He slowly crouched down by me. "You ...... saved.... me" he stated. I smiled at him."I .... save ..... you now" he told me. I felt something go under my knees and under my back lifting me up slowly. Just as my eyes closed and I was taken by the darkness.

experiment 626Where stories live. Discover now