Everyday Is A Challenge

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Everyday Is A Challenge

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Everyday Is A Challenge

Cordelia Bane.

I managed to break away from Guy's hold while he still sleeping, I traveled around the house it is quite elegant I'm still wondering who and what he does,

Holding myself for warmth, I stopped at the back door Guy did mention he had markers where I couldn't pass in the yard and I really wanted to see outside, and right now is my chance, I would run if I could but this ankle brace is holding me back.

I placed my hands on the handle when I turned the knob I saw a padlock I cursed to myself taking it upon myself, I was going to type in a number...

But what?

Suddenly an idea came to my mind, if Guy knows me so well I pushed the digits of my date of birth that's when the light turned green, I gasped when I got correctly!

Well, I'll be damned,

Opening the door the cold air hit my body as I shivered making sure there is no glass on the ground,

I stepped outside slowly I was free, I could run, my eyes saw the forest before me walking further outside inhaling the fresh air.

I glanced down at my ankle brace keeping me from running, I kept walking further, and further, I stopped suddenly when the ankle brace began to beep rapidly I gasped stepping back afraid of being electrocuted.

"Fuck!" I cursed.

Freedom is in front of me! This stupid ankle brace is ruining my chances of going back home, I scanned the area nothing but trees, no neighbors


A hand yanks my upper arm, I gasped being met with an angry-looking Guy as he fumed "What do you think your doing!?" He snarled

I looked up at him "I-I just wanted fresh air"

He began dragging me back inside, I felt like crying I had a chance, a chance!

Once we were inside, Guy locked back up the door again shutting the curtains. I can feel the anger radiating off him I sat down on the stools feeling defeated but I knew I wasn't going to give up.

"I'm going to have to change the lock now," He said raspily. I sat there quietly as he dug through a certain drawer

I frowned playing with my fingers

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