30 | The Word 'Goodbye' Can Hurt So Much

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The Word 'Goodbye' Can Hurt So Much
Cordelia Bane.

Two hours have passed of being inside this courtroom as everybody disputes their opinions and arguments.

All I can do is listen and feel broken while Guy sits there as they point out all of his crimes and punishments.

At times we sneak glances hoping we could just talk to each other.

They wanted this court hearing to be as quick as possible, I've heard some people are afraid of Guy knowing he's a cold-blooded murderer,

They all wanted him locked away forever or dead.

Even the past victim's families happen to be apart of this courtroom, I even met them as they showed their sympathy towards me.

All I could see was the sadness in their eyes knowing they are finally getting justice for their daughter and I can't help but feel worse.

He killed those pure souls and I'm here still wanting Guy in my arms once again.

It's bizarre

"Honey, It's time" My dad whispered at both of us.

I looked up and didn't notice I wasn't paying attention most of the time because of all of my thoughts that were swimming.

I listened in...

"Has the jury come to a verdict?" The judge asked

Oh no!

I felt afraid and my heart is pounding. I didn't want to listen but I couldn't move!

My chest is getting tight.

One man stood, wearing a suit "We have your honor... The countless murders of degree, we find the defendant, Guilty which will be the death penalty" He announced that made everyone in the courtroom sighed in relief and happiness...

Me on the other hand,

The room started to spin, my world stopped in shock but then my stomach began to swirl leading me to stand.

I rushed out of the courtroom needing to find the restroom. It was down the hall and I quickly opened the door and found a stall,

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