sorry bro

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Twelve - Sorry bro

Taehyung sneaks into Jungkook's room, the guest room.

"Where is it?" He mumbles, his hands soaring over the table filled with papers before his eyes land on an ink-filled paper.

Taehyung picks up the paper with immaculate handwriting, his eyes skim the paper quickly and as soon as he sees the first two words- to Serenity ... He almost screams, dropping the precious reply in the process of trying to stay quiet as he tiptoes out of the room.

Jungkook is so messy that room is a mess why do I let him stay here so much- is what Taehyung thinks as he folds the letter.

And just as he's about to slip it into his back pocket, he meets someone in the corridor and his heart rate increases heavily.

He sighs in relief when seeing it's his son, Elijah.

But Elijah's favourite person is Jungkook, so he appears a few seconds later, his eyes darting to the familiar paper.

"Taehyung, what's that?"

"Huh?" Taehyung acts clueless- starting to walk back after raising his brows naturally. "What's what?" He asks.

Jungkook's cocoa, orbed eyes widen in revelation when he notices his skittish best friend starting to run away from him and he screams hey! " Taehyung you asshole, come back here-" and he starts to chase him. His heart feels like it's going to fall out of his chest and onto the floor. "You have no right to even touch that!"

Taehyung closes the door to his bedroom before locking it. He's safe- he sighs in relief.

Mission nearly complete- he whispers to himself as he hears his best friend banging against his door.

Later that day, Taehyung gave himself a high five when posting Jungkook's reply.

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