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"First, don't deny the video scandal," she advised. "Denying it in any way or letting people see that it affects Coeval will only give them more ammunition to torment you with. Just let it pass, and when the scandal's in decline, find out other videos that starred the politician's wife and other men she had slept with—I'm confident there are many—and spread those. Make sure the men in those video scandas are married, and noteworthy for the media.

This will shift the spotlight from Mr. Lin to that politician's wife, and once it got out that those men she had sex with were married, it would be more scandalous than her little tryst with Mr. Lin, a widely known bachelor. This would make the media even pity Mr. Lin, making it look like it was that politician's wife who was preying on him. A familiar case of 'cougar suffering from a seven-year itch and tricking a handsome innocent boy into his lair', if you will.

And because we had let the rumor about their video scandal run its course, those few haters Mr. Lin had from that video scandal would instantly feel guilty for their actions and would immediately switch wildly to his side, thus causing the initial backlash almost nil."

As she spoke, Mr. Han's eyes became wider and wider, until it was almost comical.

"You're craftier than you look," he said at last, his voice containing a tinge of awe.

Shi Xiao Xi simply smiled. It wasn't her credit to take—most of the idea had been Ai Wei's. Because of Ai Wei's great fortune, envious people generally hated her. To dissolve the hate and keep her reputation intact, becoming wily was a must.

"Do you have a job?" Mr. Han abruptly asked, startling her.

"No," replied Shi Xiao Xi, after a bit of hesitation.

Of course her mother hadn't mentioned it to her, but she felt that it was almost certain she was already fired from her job. Who would continue to employ a person who was in a coma for two years?

"Then if you have no other offers, look for me at my office in Coeval. I have a position just perfect for your capabilities, Miss Shi."

"What kind of position is it?" she asked, curious.

Mr. Han just smiled and shook his head slightly. "I still have to confirm it, just in case. I have to go back to the office now, but it was a pleasure meeting you, Miss Shi. You have no idea how much you greatly helped me."

Shi Xiao Xi stood up just as he did, and shook his hand briskly. Not too fast, not too tight, just enough pressure for it to be a business-like handshake. Now that he was offering her a job, she needed to make a proper impression.

"It was a pleasure meeting you too, Mr. Han. And please don't mention it. I'm glad to be of some help, especially to a person who greatly likes Monet."

He smiled once more at the mention of his favorite painter, and quickly left.

As she finished her own meal in silence, Shi Xiao Xi thought about how much Ai Wei's memories had helped her. If it hadn't been for her, she wouldn't have even gotten a job offer so quickly from Mr. Han. Although she still had no idea why Ai Wei's memories had been stored inside her head, it was clear that she had a lot to gain from it.

But of course, there were things she lost as well.

Before Ai Wei had invaded her head, Shi Xiao Xi was voluntarily ignorant of the different kinds of luxurious brands, proud of the fact that when she'd see a stranger walking down the street, she wouldn't know if he was rich or not just by his clothes, his car, or his shoes.

But when Shi Xiao Xi had sat across Mr. Han from earlier, she instantly knew his suit was Armani, the wristwatch he was wearing was an Audemars Piguet, and he had on Salvatore Ferragamo shoes.

It was such a little thing, but it was an inherent part of her. If a person's identity mainly depends on their memories, wouldn't this mean she was starting to lose herself to Ai Wei?

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