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They were all outside at the pitch getting ready to start their game when two unexpected guest joined them in the pitch.

"Draco, have you been avoiding us!?!" The girl yells out loudly trying to grab his attention. Draco then turns to see that it was in fact Pansy who was trying to get his attention.

They jogged the rest of the distance so that they were standing amongst the whole group. "Hello," Draco says simple.

"So, have you?" Pansy says narrowing her eyes at him as if she would be able to tell if he was lying or not.

"Technically no, since I have been quite busy but I also knew you'd ask a lot of questions I'm not sure if I should answer," Draco answers and Pansy believes he is telling the truth and smiles at him.

She smiles at the kids before looking at Draco with a immaculate raised eyebrow. "So, where are they from?" She asks.

Then all of a sudden Lily barrels into her legs causing her to fall inelegantly onto her backside.

This made James and Scorpius very confused as they glanced at one another. "Do we know her?" Scorpius asks looking at the girl confused.

"It's Aunt Pansy!" Lily cheers happily still hugging the still shocked girl on the ground.

"No way!" James gasps staring at her completely baffled. "You look so different!"

"How so?" Pansy ask finally coming out of her shocked state.

"Well you have short beach blond hair to about you chin with pink and purple high lights," Scorpius describes thinking hard and trying to remember what he can since it's been a little while since he last saw her. "You have like 6 piercings in total; two in each ear, one in your belly button, and one on your tongue."

"Hot," The Guy next to her states simply not even embarrassed when everyone including Pansy turns to him.

"I'm guessing you're Uncle Blaise," James says to which he just nods his head in confirmation. "Cool."

"How could you tell?" Blaise asked looking at this little version of Harry standing in front of him.

"Well, that's been like your phrase to describe Aunt Pansy like every time we see you," James answers making Lily giggle as she lets go of Pansy slightly.

"James and I haven't seen you much lately, since I'm at Hogwarts and he is in school and father is home by the time he gets home," Scorpius adds wanting to clarify how much we actually know them.

"Yeah, Aunt Pansy watches me all day and we have so much fun!" Lily says smiling brightly at Pansy. Harry, Hermione, and Ron have been standing to the side reluctant to say anything. Since every time they have spoken to or been near either of them before they were spat and cursed at.

Harry is especially scared that when Lily had hugged Pansy she would have thrown her off or something. He had this urge to just run up and grab her to keep her safe. But when Harry sees a large grin grow on Pansy's face he can finally take a breath and smiles when he feels Draco squeeze his hand.

"Well, aren't you adorable," Pansy exclaims pilling Lily into a tight hug. "This is so cool!"

"Yeah, and you bring Siena with you so we can play too," Lily cheers squeezing Pansy just as tightly. For, other than Hermione, Pansy is like a mom to her. But Hermione is more of the uptight follow the rules Mom and Pansy is the layback and have fun tile of Mom. Lily loves playing with both of them but sometimes she just wants to have fun.

"Who's that?" Blaise asks still standing next to Pansy and Lily, who are still on the ground.

"Your daughter!" Lily answers happily.

"LILY!" All the other kids yell and it dawns on her face that she wasn't supposed to say that.

"Oops," Lily says nervously, hopping Up and running to hide behind Harry as if someone was going to attack her. Pansy seems to kind of freeze as if she had been a statue all along.

She slowly looks up at Blaise who also appears shocked before he looks down at her and smirks. "No way!" Pansy yells jumping up her feet and rapidly shaking her head. "I would never have a kid with him."

"Told you," Draco laughs loudly earning her glare in return but he only smirks at her. "I told you that you two would totally get together."

"Shut it!" She growls and turns back to Blaise who is still smirking. "How could I ever be with him? He is a womanizer who has been with like every Slytherin and Ravenclaw!"

"I'm thinking of expanding my horizon," He says winking at Hermione who blushes and steps back while Ron steps in front of her with Hugo in his arms.

"See!" Pansy declares turning away from him and walking over to stand next to Draco. Then her glare melts and a goofy smile appears on her face as she looks at Harry and Draco's interlocked hands. "Finally!"

"That was quick," Ron whispers as he looks at the now gushing Pansy.

"Oh Merlin! I'm so happy for you!" Pansy gushes jumping up and down while jerking Draco away from Harry and into a hug. She then whispers in his ear making him turn a beet red.

When they pull away Pansy is smiling even bigger, fo that's possible, and slowly shifts back to Harry's side. "What she ask?" Harry whispers while Pansy continues to hush over the kids.

"Nothing," Draco squeaks not wanting to repeat what she had said.

"Are all of these really yours!?!" Pansy asks Draco as she squeezes the Potter children in a big hug. "Which one of you had them?"

"Why do you presume one of us had them?" Draco asks trying to glare at her as he had always done before but his nerves where being overloaded.

"Well, they look like both of you, duh," She sasses back making Blaise smirk at her from behind. He had always liked how snarky she could be, maybe that's why he's with her in the future. "I think it's Draco."

Draco blanches at her completely serious comments and had no words. Why him? Is he like really feminine or something? "Why me?" Draco asks looking at her with big curious eyes.

"I mean I can just imagine you with a big baby belly, though I had always imagined it as a beer gut or whatever the muggles call it," She states picking Lily up and placing her on her hip.

"Hey!" Draco yells but is cut off by Pansy continuing.

"And regardless of what others will say I believe you are softer and sedative than Potter is. Like you've experience some crap and Potter...hasn't," Pansy states making everyone but Blaise and Draco look at away nervously. "Yeah sure there's this whole He-Who-Should-Shut-Up Business but he had a loving family growing up."

At that Lily pushes out of Pansy's arms and runs over to Harry as he picks her up and she hugs him tightly around the neck. "Father doesn't know?" Lily mumbles into his neck so he was he only one who could hear her while Pansy continues to rant.

"Not yet, at least," Harry sighs looking up at Draco who has his arms crossed as Pansy is still trying to explain her reasoning. Harry doesn't really get why he's so upset, maybe it's because he bottoms.

"Are we playing Quidditch or not?" Ron asks exasperated, cutting Pansy off while the rest of us nod enthusiastically and get ready for the game. While Pansy, Hermione, and Lily walk towards the bleachers since they don't like to play.

Harry smiles at Draco who smiles back before turning to Ron and saying, "Let's Do this!"

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