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Last week I saw that this story finally his 3k views and I am actually ecstatic and would like to thank all of you for reading my story even if some of the chapters are complete crap. You guys are the best. I would love to read some more comments from you guys to see how you like the story or just your thoughts...

It was decided that they would split into partners, and the kids are going to be splitting up as well. "Alright, most of these are going to be obvious but it's more for the benefit of the kids than anything," Hermione says and everyone nods in understanding. "Alright, Fred and George you'll be heading to the Forbidden forest."

"Yes!" They say at the same time celebrating the fact they get to break the rules.

"Neville and Luna, you're going to be checking out the chamber of secrets," Hermione says shocking the couple a bit.

"Isn't that place dangerous and how are we supposed to get in anyways?" Neville asks becoming quite scared yet not willing to back down from his given task.

"I'll show you the entrance and teach you a little parsel tongue because it will be very helpful once you get down there," Harry says smiling at Neville who seems to sigh and have tension leave his shoulders.

"Harry and Draco along with Lily, you will be checking out the Whomping Willow," She said simple as if there wasn't something wrong with her statement. Harry and Ron don't seem fazed but the others seem terrified.

"Why in the world would we need to do that, we'll get smashed!" Draco says dramatically as he stares at her with large frightened eyes.

"Oh I almost forgot you guys don't know," Hermione says laughing softly before smiling at them. "Inside the tree is a secret passage that leads all the way to the shrieking shack."

"Seriously," Blaise says his mouth hanging open.

"That's-" Fred starts while George finishes. "Awesome!"

"How would you know this?" Pansy asks staring at a Hermione with her arms crossed over her chest with an unbelieving look on her face.

"Well one, Remus, Harry's godfather, Sirius, and Harry's dad along with Peter would go there on the full moon so that Remus would have a place to transform. And two we have been inside before, our third year to be exact."

"Wait, if his dad and godfather had gone in with the werewolf into the tree wouldn't they have been torn to shreds?" Dean asks looking confused at this constant flow of new information that is being given to them.

"Well, you see," Harry cuts in scratching the back of his head as he chuckles nervously. "They were all unregistered animagi so no one really knew about their transformations."

"And the reason you went inside in third year is...?" Neville asks not finishing since he wants them to elaborate further.

"You see Ron's family rat Scabbers turned out to be Peter Petegrew the old friend of Harry's father, whose animagus was a rat. But we didn't know that until it was announced that Sirius had escapes jail and showed up at school. We all chased Peter into the tree where it was revealed that he wasn't just a rat. When Sirius was convicted of betraying Harry's parents they had actually let the real culprit go, which was Peter," Hermione explains going a bit fast though everyone seems as though they were able to keep up with what she was saying. No one asks anymore questions knowing that they need to move on. "Dean and Seamus will be searching the entire quidditch field."

"I don't know if that is better or worse," Seamus whines leaning his head on Dean's shoulder trying to comfort himself. Then Dean wraps his arm around Seamus's waist starling him and causing him to look at the others worried though they only smile at them.

"Ginny you will be with James," Hermione said pointing in said boy's direction to which he smiles at her. He may not like the fact that she likes his dad but it's hard to control who you love. "You will be heading to Hogsmeade."

"Are we even allowed to?" James asks his face scrunching up a bit in confusion.

"Probably not, but you guys can take my cloak just in case," Harry says patting James's back and smiling down at him.

"Cool," James says nodding his head seeming to think himself very cool for being allowed to use it.

"Rose and Scorpius, you will be searching the dungeons," Hermione chuckles worried she probably should be giving that job to someone else.

"Cool, I can see if anything is different than how it is in our time!" Scorpius exclaims beaming at Hermione happily while Rose just shakes her head smiling at his energy.

"Alright then," Hermione nods her head a little less worried about them. "So, Ron, Hugo, and I will search the ground floor to the third floor while Blaise and Pansy search from the fourth floor up."

"Ugh!" Pansy complains. "We have to deal with all those stupid moving staircases!"

"We can try to help you but it takes time to learn how exactly they move. We've had since first year and it can still be confusing for us," Hermione says to which all of the Gryffindors nod in agreement.

"We have a while until it gets dark so we will search until then, but when it gets dark let's all meet in the Room of Requirements then head down to dinner together," Ron says receiving confirmation from everyone that they would do just that.

"See you guys later," Harry says waves as they all head in their designated directions while Harry and Neville's group heads up to the girls's bathroom.

"Harry!" Moaning Myrtle cheers happily as they all walk into the bathroom.

Okay, so I know I promised I would make this chapter better but it's another filler. But I promise for sure that next chapter will be interesting and much longer. I have some ideas of how I'll be doing the next few chapters so I hope you guys are excited!! See you next week!😁

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