Chapter 9

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There was something innately beautiful about a morning that was peaceful. Standing by her window listening to the chirping birds, Khushi's calm demeanor observed the beautiful picture Mother Nature was painting in front of her. The sun had just risen. An orangish tint lingered in the atmosphere complementing the greens and browns beautifully. Small dewdrops clung tightly to the slippery leaves as if trying to delay the inevitable drop. The smell of the earth was exhilarating. Khushi Gupta was just relishing her deep breath of fresh intoxicating air when a sharp ring of the doorbell brought her back to reality.

She glanced at the wall-clock. It was a little after 7 am. Who disturbed anyone so early in the morning? Curiosity getting the better of her, she fished out her dupatta to go check on the "visitor" when she heard her mother's shrill voice calling out to her. "You have a guest Khushi. Change quickly and come out."


Having changed into something more presentable than her night suit, Khushi made her way out wondering who would want to meet her so early in the morning. And as she stepped out of her bedroom, the sight of an immaculately dressed Arnav Singh Raizada, clad in an onyx black Versace suit sans aviators greeted her.

Without any introduction, he said: "Khushi, I think we have some business to discuss which best might be done outside the house. How do you feel about having a cup of tea with me this morning?"

Khushi nodded mutely. She didn't know what to make of it. A fear that had developed in the pit of her stomach the moment she lay her eyes on ASR was growing by the second. She wanted to know what he was up to. She had clearly underestimated her opponent. Now she was waiting to find out what that had cost her. 


ASR had never seen someone look so beautiful so early in the morning. He knew he was not being expected. He also knew that Khushi might have just woken up and yet, he felt she looked more angelic in the morning then she had done in the past when he had met her. How had he missed this?

The women ASR usually slept with only looked presentable after 12.00 PM, having finished their routine bath and scrub therapy and the application of a cake-load of the most expensive make-up that was available in the market. He knew Khushi had no make-up on. And yet her simplicity made blood course through his veins.

Suddenly it all seemed to fit together. He was feeling this sense of excitement after a very long time, and it was this very same feeling that was making him do what he was just about to. He put his aviators on, tilted his head slightly and whispered "After you" in Khushi's ears as she looked confusingly at him and then made her way out. He liked the look of confusion. It meant Khushi had been unable to glean his intentions. This was going to be fun.

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