Chapter 51

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17 years ago

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

The sea breeze at Chowpatty tasted salty. Billowing winds lined anything they touched with liberal amounts of sand. 15-year old Arnav opened his mouth to scream and the winds impartially deposited salty sand on his tongue. He spat and then tried to wipe the rest with his palms.

Covering his mouth with his hands, he called out again, "Di."

His sister was busy wading into the sea. She had fallen in love with the sand and sea the moment she laid eyes on it.

"Di," he tried to call her once more and dashed to catch up with her. He caught her by surprise and pushed her into the waters, wetting her clothes in the process.

"Chhote," admonished Anjali. "I don't even have a change of clothes."

"So what?" smirked the brother. "We've put up just two blocks away!"

Anjali scowled and Arnav smiled some more, splashing her with more salty seawater. "My clothes will stick to me Chhote," Anjali complained and then to get even with him, pushed him into the waves.

Seconds later, a soaking wet Arnav emerged from the sea, and promising to get back at his sister, chased her around the beach.

Sitting at a near distance, munching on freshly roasted peanuts, Ratna watched the entire revue with amusement.

Arnav had little time left to play with his sister. Soon she would be married off, to one of India's wealthiest businessmen, if the deal worked out. Thakur Arjan Singh Raizada had recently met India's cement magnate Vinod Srivastava at a friend's wedding and the family seemed to have taken an instant liking to Anjali. He viewed the alliance both as a great prospect for Anjali's future as well as for his business empire.

Ratna was merely informed of his decision and expected to fully support it.

"Get ready," he had told his wife. "We're leaving for Mumbai today and if all goes well, Anjali will be betrothed by the end of this week."

"But," protested Ratna feebly, "she is only 19."

Arjan gave her a long hard stare, indicating the conversation was over.

Ratna quietly packed their bags and within the next three hours, the family boarded their flight to Mumbai.

Their hotel was right next to the famous Chowpatty beach in Mumbai, right off the main road. The location was strategically picked, in the neighbourhood where the prospective family lived. It was a social statement, that the Raizada's were at par with them when it came to wealth.


As two dripping wet teens tiptoed their way to their rooms, Ratna tried to divert Arjan's attention. She feared his reaction if he found out about Arnav and Anjali's little play at the beach.

"Have you told Anjali yet?" asked Arjan without looking at his wife, his focus entirely on the book he was reading.

When his question was met with silence, he continued: "They've invited us to tea tomorrow. Make sure Anjali is well-dressed and well-behaved."

His emphasis on the last word didn't sit well with Ratna. "But shouldn't we ask Anjali what she wants?"

Arjan looked up from his book, his stare piercing through Ratna's soul.

"Remember, the only person who knows what's good for Anjali is me. And it would be better if you explained that to her before tomorrow."

The Raizadas were being forced to acknowledge that their only daughter had a fierce and independent streak. Arjan was unhappy. Girls were not supposed to be opinionated. It always ended in marital issues. Raizada women were known for their mild and patient nature. Anjali was turning out to be an anomaly. Arjan constantly blamed Ratna for it.

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