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Alec's POV

"It's the 25th anniversary, you just have to go!" My mom yelled. I flinched.

"Why? High school reunions are stupid and I don't want to be social," I replied, making my mom roll her eyes.

"Don't you want to know what your old classmates are up to?"

"Let me think about that, no. Besides I forgot everyone's names"

"That's not true! You remember Clary, Simon, Raphael, Catarina, and Magnus"

"No one wants me to be there... So, I'm not going and you can't change my mind! Besides, how am I even getting to the school? I don't have a car"

"That's why I called your best friend. He'll take you to the reunion"

"He?" And what best friend? Simon, Clary and I were a team in high school, but afterwards we went our separate ways and decided not to be friends anymore.

"Magnus, obviously!" My mom exclaimed. "I invited him to dinner tonight!"

"I'm sorry, what?" Magnus was never my best friend, just my bully. I never found out the actual reason why he did what he did. I had to lie to my mom, telling her Magnus and I were best friends. Maybe after all these years, he would be different. Maybe he accepted Maryse's offer so he could apologize. Or maybe just maybe he doesn't even remember bullying me.

"Aren't you just excited!"

"Yes, of course" No.

Skip to dinner

As it got closer to Magnus being here, the more scared I became. I had second thoughts of why Magnus decided to accept my mom's offer: he could've been coming to hurt me or something.

"Alec! Magnus is here!" My mom yelled, making me gulp.

"I'm coming!" I yelled in return. When I went downstairs, my heart began to beat faster. Maybe it was because Magnus was talking to my mother and acting all innocent. Or maybe it was because when I stepped down on the floor, he turned his head and stared at me.

"Alexander!" Magnus exclaimed excitedly and ran to give me a hug.

"Um what are you doing?" I asked, confused.

"Hugging you? Are you okay? You're acting like you're scared or something"

"We don't hug, remember?" Magnus pulled away in confusion.

"What are you talking about? Are you feeling okay?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, not falling for his act.

"Stop acting so innocent, Magnus. You know what you did" I answered.

"And what did I do, Alexander?"

"You know what. We were never friends"

And with that, I walked away, leaving Magnus all "confused."

"Whatever I did, I'm sorry!" Magnus called out, making me turn around.

"No, you're not"

A New Beginning: High School Reunion Where stories live. Discover now