Flashback to Freshman Year: The First Meeting

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Alec's POV

It was the first day at a new school and once again I hoped to make a good impression, but I didn't. In fact, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. My locker was on the first floor, closest to my last class where I just happened to witness a beating.

"You shouldn't be here," a voice called behind me, making me turn around. In a second, my breath stopped. I was met with the eyes of an extremely handsome man.

"And why is that?" I asked in anger. He gave me a glare.

"Because clearly you don't belong," he answered, walking towards me, making me walk backwards until I was against the lockers. I was trapped and as I tried to sneak away, his hands were on my neck holding me down. "I'm Magnus and I run this school. Remember that because I'm going to make your life a living hell"

"Oh really? And how are you going to do that?" He just laughed as he took out his hand, turning it into a fist, and punched me, hard.

"Never mess with me," Magnus hissed, letting me go and I slid down to the floor. At first I thought Magnus was done with me, but that soon changed when I was kicked. Smiling down at me, he kept beating me until he was tired of doing so.

The beating kinda went like this: Punch. Kick. Slap. Repeat. It ended with a kick to the face.

"Every morning, between classes, and after school, I will do your daily beatings. Never be late to any of them, am I understood?" Magnus growled.

"Y-yes," I said. He smiled and gave me one last kick to the face before walking away, leaving me on the cold, dirty floor.

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