Flashback: Finding Out We're Neighbors, Yay!

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Alec's POV

Getting through the rest of the school day, my mom wouldn't come get me even after explaining I was beaten up badly so I had to clean myself up the best I could, was so long, meaning I only met one friend. His name was Simon Lewis and we've already decided to hang out after school at the park, close to my house. It was a hot day and I didn't have the right clothes on, so I texted Simon I would meet him there.

I wish I hadn't.

I stayed still, frightened that he would see me. Magnus Bane, my bully was my neighbor meaning my life would be hell outside of school as well.

"Don't tell me," I heard someone say, bringing me back to reality. I blinked once, wanting to see if it was my imagination that Magnus was standing in front of me with his arms crossed.

"Don't tell you what?" I replied. Magnus rolled his eyes.

"Are we neighbors?" Magnus asked, shoving me to the ground.

"Apparently," I answered.

"Well, isn't this a lucky day"

"I don't think I would call this lucky"

"No? Don't tell me you're actually scared of me," Magnus chuckled, giving me a kick.

"No, I'm not!" I protested.

"What did you say?" Magnus growled, giving me ten kicks.

"Yes, I'm scared of you," I whimpered. Magnus smiled.

"That's what I thought"

Some time later...

"You okay? You came later than what you said," Simon spoke, concerned.

"I'm fine. First day and I already have a mortal enemy," I replied.

"Let me guess. Magnus?" Simon chuckled.

"Yeah...you know him?"

"Yeah. He acts like a prince and I swear he has magic"

"What's his problem anyway?"

"I've heard many rumors. But the most popular one is the death of his mother, she apparently took her own life. Then there's his stepdad, the one who overdosed. His father, on the other hand..."

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