Chapter Eleven

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I was home with dad. I could hear him and Alice talking downstairs as I was eavesdropping without even meaning to. Seems she's making up the plan herself now which I didn't mind because after that night I'm trying not to hurt or lie to dad anymore, that hurt both me and him.

I stood in front of my window, looking at the sky as it started to get darker by the minute. A subtle breeze blew through the trees and made the branches dance with it, the smell of nature was overpowering and I focused on it becuase it told me there was something just as good as the smell of my family's blood. I hated thinking about even hurting them the slightest.

As I relaxed I noticed something in the distance, walking through the bushes in the forest. I frowned and watched it. It was a figure that I couldn't recognise, their long brown hair blocking their face from view. Before I could make out what it really was, there was a knock on my door.

"Hey." Alice walked in with a smile, "I'm guessing you heard the plan?" She assumed. I smirked and nodded. Of course I did, I have super hearing.

"Yep, nice thinking by the way." I told her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

She grinned, "well my power does come in handy sometimes." Her arms made their way around my neck as if they were always meant to be there. Her touch always seemed to make me shiver, I loved the feeling she gave me whenever she was around. All my mate's had different effects on me and it always surprised me.

"That it does." I leaned down and captured her lips with mine, the taste of vanilla hit me and I didn't mind at all. Her hand on my cheek, the other in my hair. I didn't know how I found such amazing mate's, I knew they'd be amazing but this was a whole other level to what I thought it would be like. I've lived so long without a love that I thought I would never find one but now i have four that love me with all they have and I definitely return it.

My mind never strayed from the figure in the woods but I let it go when she walked in, it was like she made me forget about everything bad in the world with her presence and sometimes that scared me. I mean, what else could she do to me?


The feeling of pain and dread consumed me that night, I had no reason to be feeling this way but it was undeniably overpowering in a sense that I wanted to cry if I could.

I sat up quickly from my bed, needlessly breathing rapidly. I wanted this feeling to leave me, wherever it was coming from I needed to know.

The ringing of my phone woke me from my thoughts, it was like everything stopped at once, the silence was unwelcoming. I eyed my phone cautiously, it was like someone knew something was wrong. I didn't want to know the cause but I did at the same time, it could be important.

I reached over slowly, letting it ring. Subconsciously I waited for the person on the other side to hang up and that would be that, probably a wrong number and I could go back to my own thoughts. No, I needed to know.

I breathed out heavily and answered the call. Once I pressed the phone against my ear I heard the sound of shouting on the other end of the line. I frowned as I tried to picture faces to the voices but had no such luck.

A crackling was heard before a voice spoke to me, "Anastasia, we need you down here. Now." They had a deep tone and I instantly recognized the person.

"Sam? what's going on?" I asked with worry. Who could they be yelling at and why? I could hear Emily screaming in the background and Paul yelling at the boy's. What made me surprised was the inhuman growl that came from something, why would they be in their wolf form? If that is one of them.

"We don't know. There's something wrong with Nate. Just get here." His response was rushed and short but it was enough to make me fly out of bed and to the window, throwing my phone across the room in the process. What could be wrong with Nate? Why do I still feel like this? Please don't be in trouble.

I've never ran so fast in my life, I had to find out what was happening to my boy. These feelings could belong to him, although I don't know how I'm receiving them from across town. Right now nothing mattered except the wellbeing of Nathan and the pack, my job was to protect them after all.

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