Chapter VII

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Grim snaps us into his familiar house, setting Zeuxis on the couch and staring down at him. I look at Zeuxis with narrowed eyes, my arms crossed. Azraels tail flicks angrily across my collarbone. "Who are you?" I ask Zeuxis. Azrael glances at Grim. We both know exactly what Zeuxis is, but if we open our mouths and tell Grim, there's a chance he may punish us both. When we originally met Zeuxis, we were supposed to be in my room. Grim knows we left, but he doesn't know that we possibly met a demigod. I mean, it's not even set in stone. It's just a theory that Azrael came up with.

"Zeuxis," Zeuxis looks up at us. Grim rolls his eyes.

"Alright, how about his one: what are you? You're not a human and you sure as hell aren't a demon." Zeuxis gently nods, swallowing shortly.

"You're right," he points at Grim. "I have a feeling that Cassie over here knows exactly what I am." I tense as soon as he looks at me. His green eyes seem to flicker a shade brighter. Green eyes. There was a reason his eyes set me on edge, and I now know why. The only place I've seen that shade of green is in the eyes of Grim's skull. Grim turns on me then, his eyebrows narrowing. I don't doubt for one moment I'm in big trouble, especially as Grim's jaw clenches.

Azrael seems to shrink against my neck as I turn to Zeuxis. "You aren't Warren, that's for sure. And you didn't graduate from my how come you know me and you look familiar."

"Warren?" Grim mumbles gently. I glanced at him before taking a step closer to Zeuxis.

"I don't want to hurt you, in fact, it's the opposite. I want to protect you. I've been following you for years now, Cassie." Grim now tenses. My breath catches and I take an involuntary step back.

"What exactly do you know? And why have you been following her?" Grim nods in my direction, sort of moving to come in front of me protectively.

"I know a part of the prophecy." It seems like the air in my chest gets sucked out by a vacuum. A chance to hear more about the prophecy?

"We're listening," Grim motions to me and him.

"I'll only tell you if you agree to my terms."

"What are those?" Grim's eyes narrow.

"You have to let me in on your little 'team'. I hate the angels as much as you do. And the God of Life." If possible, Grim tenses even more. I know whenever the God of Life is mentioned, Grim goes on edge. I also know that Grim hates the God of Life with a passion.

"It depends on what you are."

"I'm a demigod."

Azrael and I both look at each other with winning grins. We were correct. "I bet Cassie knows exactly who my father is." Azrael and I now look at each other with wide eyes. We do know.

Only how would Grim take it?

How will Grim take it if I knew about Zeuxis and Thanatos? "Her name is Cassiopeia to you," Grim snarls. Zeuxis eyes darken.

"If I wanted to hurt her, don't you think I would've done it already. You have nothing to protect her from right now."

"I'm not protecting her one bit," Grim argues. "I'm simply making sure you get her name right." My eyebrows raise. What's wrong with him? If Zeuxis has truly been watching me for years and I'm still alive, it's obvious he is telling the truth about not hurting me. 

"Right," Zeuxis spits out. "I know you don't like me, sir," Zeuxis jaw clenched as he speaks to Grim. It's obvious he doesn't like addressing him as "sir". It shocks me he even does. Never in my life have I addressed Grim as anything but Grim and monster--if I recall right. And I'm a human. "But why would you refuse my help in protecting her."

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