Chapter XII

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Zeuxis raises a knowing eyebrow at me when I pull away from Grim--Theo...his name is Theo--all flustered. Even though I now know Grim's real name, it feels weird not calling him the name I picked personally. Besides, he may not really enjoy me calling him Theo."Cassie knows why the angels are after her," Grim says. Azrael perks up and slithers over to us. Now that I know he is an angel and normally looks like a human, I'm a little wary. He's been in my shirt, wrapped around my neck's just weird.

I feel bad since he's been locked underneath Grim's control. But I also feel eternally grateful that he risked his freedom to save the world, basically.

"Azrael, can I talk to you real fast?" I look at him. He looks at me in surprise but nods. I walk to the door, but Grim suddenly appears beside me. He sends me an innocent smile making my heart flare up. He then touches the door and green power leaks from the door and right into his hand. He then turns to go back to Zeuxis. I suppose that's how he kept a demigod locked in his room.

"I don't suppose you brought me out here to tell me what happened between you and my master," Azrael looks up at me. I gasp before looking down at him. How the hell does he know? My cheeks turn red making Azrael smile. "I know because my master has a glow I've never seen before."

"Maybe he's just excited about me finding out why the angels are after me," I shrug. Azrael just hums in my head. "Which reminds me; go to your true form."

Azrael's eyes widen. "What?"

"Your true form. I know you look like a human," I point at him. "Or, well, an angel." Azrael looks hesitant.

"No. I haven't taken that shape in many years. I can hardly remember what--"

"I know you have white hair."

"I do," Azrael bristles, showing me he was lying. "How do you--"

"Why were you lying?" I smile down at him, knowing very well that he was. Azrael seems to gain red in his cheeks, surprising me.

"I'm not supposed to show myself," he murmurs. "How did you see me?"

"It was back at Ruby's. I saw something." Azrael just looks down. "Come on!" I whine, sitting down in front of him. Azrael rolls his eyes before tilting his head back and forth.

"Fine," he hisses. Literally hisses. His mouth opens and all. It isn't going through my head making me jolt backward.

"You can speak out loud?!" I cry. For some reason, I feel betrayed. Azrael sends me a look.

"I'm an angel. Grim didn't want me to reveal my true self so a snake it was. And then he thought that if I was an animal speaking to you with its mouth moving, you would freak out more."

I don't speak because that's so true. Of course Grim thought all this through. He knows me so well. It's actually a little unnerving.

Azrael doesn't wait for me to focus on him before he is suddenly transforming in front of me. When everything stops in the transition, I am staring at a green-eyed, sugar-colored-hair boy. He has red cheeks and his eyelashes are gorgeous with perfect eyebrows. I instantly jolt backward as I take in his ethereal beauty.

"Oh my...!" I shout. Azrael chuckles softly at my words and tilts his head.

"This is another reason why I don't show myself. Women literally bow down to me. Literally."

"I can see why!" I cry, closing my eyes tightly. All I see are his burning green eyes and I quickly lick my lips. "You were appearing as a snake all this time..." I rub a hand through my hair.

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