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I sat there for a moment trying to process his words. Asher tried to rape me, I kept repeating it over and over to myself. He must have noticed the shock on my face because he hesitated for a moment before he continued.

"When I got to you, he had you laying on the tailgate with your shirt practically off and your pants undone. I could hear him shouting at you to just relax. As soon as I got to you, pulled him off of you and beat the hell out of him," he explained.

My thoughts zoned in on the words, "Just Relax." They jogged my hazy memories, and I shivered recalling them. Jake saw the fear and confusion in me and his concern continued to grow. I tried to hold them back, but the tears fell. He reached down, pulling me to his chest, as my tears turned into sobs.

"It's okay baby, you're safe now, I stopped him," he tried to reassure me. I wrapped my arms tighter around him, holding on as if my life depended on it. I had soaked his bare chest in my tears by the time I pulled away.

"How did you know where I was?"

"That's not important Sky, what's important is your safe now," he tried to sidestep the question. I couldn't help but push further. How did he just show up out of nowhere?

"Jake, please tell me?" I begged him. I watched as he dropped his head, diverting his eyes before he answered.

"I had someone looking out for you. They texted me telling me they saw you getting sick and some guy putting you in his truck. I asked them to follow you and they did and let me know where he parked," he admitted.

Okay, so he was having me followed. That wasn't creepy at all. I should have been angry about it, but I was grateful because he saved my life. I reached up and grabbed him under his chin, pulling his face to meet mine. He looked relieved that I wasn't blasting him for assigning a personal stalker to me.

"Thank you," I whispered as I leaned in and gave him a kiss of gratitude. It was soft and slow and sweet. When I pulled away, he was staring at my lips wanting more. Suddenly, I was very aware that I was only wearing a t-shirt and panties, nothing else.

"Jake, why am I only wearing just a t-shirt?" I asked, shooting him a questioning look. He willingly filled in the rest of the story for me.

"When I got you back in the truck, I fixed your clothes but on the way home, you got sick again. Unfortunately, your clothes took the brunt of it, along with my truck. I carried you inside and got you out of them by slipping my t-shirt on over your bra. Then I took it off, so I was a perfect gentleman. Besides Sky, I've seen you in your bra and panties before, remember that night by the fire?"

He was right. He had seen me like that before and now he had again. Both times were under horrible circumstances. I must have seemed like an absolute wreck to him. I nodded my head, understanding that he handled it as tactfully as he could.

Laying back down on the bed, I let my thoughts trail off. Jake went around to the other side of the bed and climbed in. He snuggled up next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. We just laid there silently for what seemed like an eternity. He knew I just needed a moment to compose myself and make sense of everything that had happened.

A million thoughts ran through my mind, but the feel of his warm skin next to mine was keeping me calm. I couldn't believe that jerk tried to rape me. Why did I have to be such a mess? Why didn't I see it coming? Why was I so stupid?

I replayed the parts of the night that I could recall, repeatedly. It wasn't much, I could only really remember when I first got to the party and meeting Asher. A feeling of disgust came over me when I put the puzzle pieces together.

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