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I stared at the envelope, trying to open it, but I couldn't. Fear gripped me and I needed reinforcements to gather courage. I picked up my phone and called Jake and Jenny for a group chat.

Once they both answered, I held up the envelope in front of the screen. From the looks of it, they were as excited as I was. With the people that meant the most to me, I opened the letter with shaking hands. They remained quiet in anticipation. The news had the potential to change my life forever. With an unsteady voice, I read the first paragraph:

Dear Sky,

My sincerest congratulations to you! It is my pleasure to inform you that your outstanding academic record has earned your admission.

As the last word escaped my lips, I couldn't contain myself any longer. I screamed with joy, "I got in, I got in, I got in!" In the background, my cheerleaders were cheering. They were as happy for me as I was for myself.

Once we finally stopped screaming, so loud the neighbors probably heard us, I cried. They were tears of joy. I would make it out. All the years of sadness and pain would be behind me. I could make a fresh start. It seemed unbelievable, like something that amazing couldn't happen to me. I had the letter in my hand, so it had to be a reality. Jake broke me from my thoughts, being the first to congratulate me.

"Congrats baby, I am so proud of you. We are going to Savannah this weekend to celebrate and I am planning everything."

"Thank you, Jake," I replied, attempting to dry my tears.

Jenny followed right behind him, "Sky, I knew you would do it, I am so proud of you."

"Thanks so much, Jenny, I couldn't have done it without you."

At that moment, everything was right in my world. I spent the rest of the week walking on air, praying that it wasn't all a dream that I would wake up from. Jake and I talked every single night. He was super excited about getting away for the weekend again. During the day, while we were in school, things were tense.

Jenny and Tag walked together in the halls, between every class, before class, and after class. They were an adorable couple. He was so kind to her and seemed to want to show her off to anyone who would let him. He was falling hard for her, and it was easy to see.

Since Jake and I were their respective best friends, we were constantly around them. By default, we were constantly in each other's presence. This was all while we kept up the facade we didn't know each other and it wasn't easy.

So many times Jake would try to grab my hand and then catch himself, pulling it back. Or he would almost slip up and mention something that would have given us away. It was hard enough for us to look at each other without revealing our secret. We were both certain that anyone willing to look would see the connection in our eyes.

Jake was growing increasingly angry with himself for how it was all playing out. Seeing Tag and how free he was with Jenny made him feel like he was the cruelest person in the world. He would apologize every single night. I could hear the pain in his voice, and it crushed me.

I had somehow made peace with our situation. Every time, I tried to convince him that when he was ready it would all work out. But I could tell he was growing more agitated with himself by the day.

Despite all the tension, the week passed quickly. Before I knew it Jenny was dropping me off at the house to get ready to head out of town with Jake. When we pulled up, I noticed dad's truck was home and so was mom's car. I froze, looking at Jenny. She shot me a look of sympathy and I forced myself to get out of the car and head inside.

I could hear the shouting before I even reached the door and as usual, it was one-sided. Entering cautiously, I tried to assess the situation. They were standing at the entrance to the kitchen. I tried to maneuver my way down the hall without creating a distraction. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful. Mom glimpsed me and it all started like I knew it would.

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