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Forks sign

Melissa Marie Whitlock has found herself in Forks, Washington after one hundred and twenty three years of being on foot, of traveling. She has loved the traveling, don't think of that the wrong way. Melissa has been searching for her long lost uncle for that long.

The vampire has been told to give up, that Jasper had died in the war. She refuses to believe it; considering she has a feeling deep, deep inside that the guy is still alive. That he is just like her, both dead and alive. That he's roaming the earth as a vampire. After spending one hundred and twenty three years searching, she isn't giving up. Not like that. Not like every one wants her to.


Cullen Residence, foyer.

Jasper sits in the chair in front of the fireplace when Alice's eyes gloss over, showing she is in a vision. Jasper notices this and he flashes up to his wife. He looks at her as he sees she shock in her eyes.

"Alice, what is it?" Jasper asks when she comes back to reality.

"We need to find Carlisle, and right now." Alice says, her usual chirpy voice is laced in concern and confusion, worrying Jasper.

The major nods and he grabs Alice's hand, they go to his car, and they drive to the hospital. He can tell by her voice change that this is urgent.

"We need to see Esme next."


Forks, Washington.

Melissa freezes in her steps as she witnesses a bad car crash. She winces and she grabs a bystanders phone. He goes to cuss and she silences him. Her gifts are to feel emotions but cannot manipulate them, and she can control people by commands if she focuses, and she can change her eye color to look human. Melissa presses in three numbers and puts the phone to her ear.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" The dispatch lady asks.

"There was a bad accident by the Welcome to Forks sign." Melissa says in her Texan accent.

"Alright, help is on the way, thank you for your call." And they both hang up.


Forks Community Hospital, empty hallway.

"Guys, I can't talk." Carlisle informs Jasper and Alice. "There is a trauma ten minutes out, a woman called it in. A bystander. The dispatch said she sounded Texan, the dispatch is a friend and loves gossip."

Jasper looks at Alice, there really is a new vampire.

"And now we know this bystander is a vampire." Alice whispers.

Carlisle only nods.

"Doctor Cullen, the bystander is here... Trauma five minutes out." A nurse says.

"I will see you guys soon, stick around, will ya?" With that, Carlisle jogs down the hall.


"Hello, I'm Doctor Cullen." Carlisle says to the stunning woman with dark hair and electric blue eyes, but didn't smell human. "Were you the one who called the accident in?"

"Yes, sir." Melissa replies, feeling a small tug towards the doctor but nothing too much. "I am Melissa Whitlock."

Carlisle blinks several times when she says Whitlock, but pushes it aside. "At the crash sight, what happened?"

"I had just arrived to Forks, I moved from Houston, Texas." Melissa claims. "Then I walked past the sign, I had been hitchhiking, I walked from Port Angeles. I heard it first, the crash was loud. When I looked up, I saw how bad it was. Nobody else was going to call, so I snatched a phone and did so."

"Doctor Cullen, we need you." A doctor says,

"Stick around, miss Whitlock." Carlisle tells her. "The chief of police will want to ask you some questions."

Melissa nods and she has a seat.


"Jas, that's her, that's the girl from my vision." Alice whispers.

"Give me a moment." Jasper says and he sits beside Melissa. "Ma'am?"

Melissa looks over and her eyes widen, but she soon recovers. "Oh, hello."

"I know what you are, ma'am." Jasper whispers.

Melissa looks around before dragging Jasper to an empty hallway. "How?"

"Because I'm one, too." Jasper replies after looking the hallways for humans. "My wife is too, she poses as my foster sister. She saw you coming."

Melissa sighs in relief, and changes her eyes back to topaz.

"How'd you do that?" Jasper asks.

"I have some gifts." Melissa replies. "I can feel emotions but cannot manipulate them, I can control someone with a demand if I focus, and I can change my eye color to keep a human appearance."

Jasper rises a single eyebrow. "I can feel and manipulate emotions."


Melissa has just finished talking with Charlie Swan, the chief of police. The vampire is a mess right now, from witnessing that wreck, to seeing Jasper for the very first time, and talking to a police officer. She is sitting in the waiting room again, across the room from Jasper and his vampire mate, his wife.

Carlisle comes out, and has a sad look.

"They didn't make it, did they?" Melissa asks as she stands and approaches him.

"He did, she and her unborn baby didn't."

"She was pregnant!?" Melissa gasps, feeling sad. "Oh, god."

"I'm sorry; you have a good day, miss Whitlock." Carlisle says properly and he walks away.


"Whitlock?" Jasper mumbles as Melissa leaves the hospital.

"Is she one of your blood relatives?" Alice asks.

Jasper looks at the seat Melissa was just in. "I don't know."


The woods of Forks, near the treaty line.

Melissa walks the grounds, on the Forks side of the land. She had come across a shapeshifter, he was solid black. The way he had growled at her let her know she couldn't pass into La Push. She just doesn't get why, she always liked wolves.

She catches herself a bear, hearing a vampiric growl. She peers up and finds a buff vampire looking at the bear.

"Oh, was this yours?" She frowns. "I'm sorry. I'm new to town."

He eyes her and sighs. "It's ok. It's just.... Bear is my favorite."

"Heh, mine too." Melissa chuckles nervously.

"Emmett Cullen." The guy says and shakes the female vampire's hand.

"Melissa Whitlock, sir." The Texan vampire shakes Emmett's hand and disappears.

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