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Melissa pays the taxi driver ahead of time to drive her to Port Angeles, to the mall. The driver is an Indian man who was a smiler. Melissa liked that about the man, his smile made her smile. He was probably nearing sixty.


Cullen Residence

Jasper sits in his room, skimming through a war book while thinking about his niece. He only wishes to know she's safe. It is now officially Sunday, there's school tomorrow. Alice saw Edward's blood moving to Forks then, she will start school the next day he believes.

Alice is sitting on his futon, flipping through her fashion magazine. She happens to be thinking about Melissa, as well. She is thrilled Jasper has family that is alive, for the most part anyway. She hadn't properly met the vampire yet, she yearns to. She is her family, after all.


Edward was minding his own business, but the thoughts of Jasper and Alice fill his head unwillingly. He is sat on the window seal in his room. He isn't to eager on going to school on Tuesday, because he is scared he will end up hurting this blood singer Alice saw. But now she and Jasper keep thinking of Jasper's biological family that has been found.

He sees her face in Jasper' mind. He won't lie and call her ugly, she isn't. He even finds her have Rosalie's enhanced beauty as well. Edward sees how Melissa's eyes change colors in Alice's mind, then he thinks of how he will be around his blood singer. .


Port Angeles Mall/


Melissa walks through the mall hallways, window shopping at the stores that are WAY too expensive for her. She walks into a cheaper store, which was really hard to find.


Rosalie and Esme walk around the mall, Rosalie didn't wanna spend hours here... So she came with Esme, instead of Alice. As they go to pass a cheap store, they bump into a strong girl, Rosalie and Melissa both landing on their butts.

"Clumsy me." Melissa says as she stands, and extends a hand towards Rosalie. "I am so sorry."

Rosalie allows the vampire to help her up. "It's fine. I wasn't paying attention."

"I'm new to the Washington area, I was kinda lost.... Didn't know which way to look when I left the store." Melissa claims. "My name's Melissa, Melissa Whitlock."

"You're Melissa?" Esme asks. "We are apart of Jasper's coven."

Melissa backs away in fear and she runs off.

"What?" Esme is shocked. "Why'd she run?"

Rosalie watches as Melissa rounds a corner. "I don't know..... She was fine until you mentioned Jasper." Rosalie pauses for a moment before looking at Esme. "She still thinks he doesn't know her."

Esme frowns. "She is also Carlisle's real mate....."

Rosalie sighs. "Carlisle loves you."

"Didn't you see Melissa?" Esme snaps, but instantly regrets it. "I'm sorry.... She is beautiful."

"Enhanced beauty, like me." Rosalie claims. "I didn't even get to introduce myself. I'm gonna shop, then we can go."


Forks, Washington.
Cullen residence.


Rosalie walks in the house with shopping bags and goes straight to Jasper's room. Alice is in some very short shorts, and a black long-sleeve,. Jasper's shirtless, his scars in full show, and in some slacks. She knew they were relaxing before school the next day.

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