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2 Months later.


PJ and Annabelle look around eight months old now. The two are sitting in the living room floor while their mother sits with Rosalie on the couch. PJ is playing with a toy horse while Annabelle plays with a Barbie doll. Rosalie bought the toys for them with Esme while they bought the things for the nursery in Port Angeles mall.

Melissa's cellphone rings and she picks it up. "Hello?"


"Bella?" Melissa is worried, she hears the panic in her voice. "Bella, what's wrong?"

"Mel, I swear something just moved inside of me." Bella panics.

Carlisle grabs the phone from Melissa's phone and puts it to his ear. "Bella."

"Carlisle, is it normal for vampires to go into shock?" Bella panics.

"You guys need to come home, now." Carlisle demands.


He holds the phone out to Melissa.

"Come home, now." The hybrid demands, Vella isn't immune to her gift.... And only hers.

"Thank you, Mel." Carlisle says as they hang up. "We cannot have the Voltari learning of a human / vampire hybrid."

"I'm a wolf / vampire / human hybrid..."

"And Caius wants you in the castle." Carlisle reminds his mate as he sits down and watches the twins play.

"I'm bringing them to La Push." Melissa says as she lifts her babies off the floor. "And don't worry, I won't tell."

"I know you won't, you wouldn't betray Bella." Carlisle says.

Melissa nods and leaves.

Leah takes PJ, for the first time since he's been born. The she wolf meets his eyes, and her entire world changes. She gasps. When Melissa realizes Leah finally imprinted and it was on her son, she grins widely. Leah smiles as she sits in the armchair with her imprint, Melissa's son.

Seth comes in and he grabs Annabelle with a grin, he adores children. He looks down and his eyes meet Annabelle's electric blue eyes, and his world changes too. Melissa smiles, again. Seth imprinted on her daughter.

Now she knows both twins will be protected.

Sam wanders in and sees Leah smiling. "Mel, what happened?"

"Leah imprinted on PJ, and Seth imprinted on Annabelle." Melissa says. "Leah finally imprinted. She can forget about you finally."

Sam smiles warmly as he wraps a friendly arm around Melissa. "That's great. They're growing fast."

Before Melissa could reply, her phone rings. "Hello?" She says into the speaker with a sigh.

"Mel, come on back." Carlisle says.

"We'll watch them." Leah insists.

Melissa lays their bags down. "Thank goodness you two are the ones to imprint on them."

Melissa then leaves, and phases. She blocks off her head from the pack, and runs in her hybrid speed to Forks. She phases back, flashes in, and she punches Edward in the face. Emmett flashes forward and he grabs her, and pulls her away before she hits him again.

"Where are the kids?" Rose asks.

"With their imprinters." Melissa replies as she looks at Edward. "Bella's human! Are you stupid!?"

"It was supposed to be impossible!" Edward argues.

"Look at me!" She demands. "I am a wolf / vampire / human hybrid! I'm supposed to be impossible, my babies too. Sometimes the impossible happens."

Edward frowns and he looks away from her, he feels bad already. But the mind reading vampire knows she's right. The impossible does happen. He looks at her again, her eyes are yellow in anger.

"Calm down, Mel." Emmett whispers. "It's ok. Bella's having a baby."

"A baby that will kill her." Melissa growls, and Bella flinches at the venomous sound. "And I won't be here to see it."

The plane lands in Florence, Italy the next day around noon. She carries her two children off and finds Felix waiting for her in a bunch of clothes and dark shades. He bows in greeting and opens the tinted windowed Italian sports car.

"Caius will be thrilled. Thank you for calling me." Felix speaks to the single mother who sits in the back seat of his car.

"And thank you for keeping it quiet." Melissa states.

Nobody knows where she has went. She went to La Push and got her babies, and caught the first flight to Italy. Now, she is on her way to Volterra. She couldn't sit in Forks and watch Bella die. She loved Bella.

"Melissa Whitlock!" Caius exclaims. "Jane mentioned you going into delivery when she saw you last."

Aro walks gracefully across the throne room and she looks at the babies. "Are they like you?"

"Yes., sir." Melissa replies.

"I want you to live here." Aro speaks softly as PJ reaches for him, he willingly holds him. "Is that ok?"

"That's why I am here." Melissa replies.

"Mmm, then call me Aro." He smiles. "Jane."

"Yes, master?"

"Show Melissa to the room with the cradles." Aro instructs.

"Yes, sir." Jane smiles at Melissa and leads her down the long halls of Volterra.

Carlisle pales as he hangs up the phone, paler than ordinary, if that's possible.

"Carlisle?" Esme gasps when she sees him.

"G....Get the family together, please." Carlisle says, holding it together.

Esme looks at him for a moment longer before nodding, and heading out of his study. Carlisle slams his fist into the desk, and growls. Melissa is in Italy. He finally gets up, and goes downstairs.

"Carlisle, what's going on?" Jasper asks. "I feel worry for days radiating off you."

"It's Melissa." Carlisle says softly. "She left us, and went to Volterra. That was Chelsea on the phone, telling me."

Jasper's eyes grow wide as he growls worriedly.

"She's safe." Alice tells them. "I saw this coming. She and the kids will be safe with them."

Jasper sits down and lets out a shaky breath. "I hope your vision doesn't change, Alice."

"Neither do I."

Melissa lays her babies in their royal looking cribs and she sits on her own bed, and she sighs. She lays back and falls asleep easily.

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