Chapter 28

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*Few months later

Taysa is now four and a half month old. She is growing up so rapidly. Her Cries and laughter filled the whole house. And let me tell you, she have everyone wrapped around her pinky finger.

Whenever she cried, everyone will come on their knees to make her stop crying. With her laughter and smiles, she make our heart skip a beat.
She was a charmer. Exactly like her father.

Speaking of her father, Lucifer is the one who is affected the most by her charm. She is truly a daddy's girl. Her Dada will do anything she wants. Oh and let me tell you, Lucifer is hell bent to make our daughter a spoiled princess.

Her room is full of soft toys and clothes. If she looses interest in any one of them, her Dada will replace it with a dozen other.

"She is my sunshine. She deserves the best in everything" these were Lucifer's exact words. She is not even a year old and look at both of them. I don't know what will happen when she'll grow up. Whenever he's around she went all excited and happy that sometimes she forget her hunger or to sleep.

Currently, I was playing with Taysa. Since Lucifer had already left, her whole concentration was on playing. Suddenly I heard Bella's voice. Taysa turned to look at her with those big round eyes and again started trashing around my hold.

'She definitely love guests'

Bella cooed her in baby voice while taking her from my arms. She happily went to her and started playing with Bella's hair.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked while side hugging her.
"Good, I guess" she laughed nervously, "How about you, momma Maisie?"
"I'm fine. Is everything alright?" I asked worriedly. Her voice told me something was wrong with her. She was hiding something. I could feel it.

She shook her head and smiled at me. But her eyes were telling a different story. She averted her eyes and started playing with Taysa.

She made funny faces to which Taysa laughed heartily. They both started making baby noises as if they
were talking. I smiled looking at them.

Suddenly I noticed something shiny on Bella's left hand. So I asked her in confusion, "Bella? Is that a ring? When did you br-" then realization hit me like a truck. "OH MY GOD!!! He did it? Oh god. He finally did it" I squealed.

I started jumping up and down, not caring the maids eyeing me weirdly. Taysa kept on looking at me with her big eyes. I picked her up and was about to kiss her cheek, when one question struck me. "It is Sebastian right?"

"Of course its him silly" she said and rolled her eyes, trying her best to hide the smile but failing miserably.
I grinned at her in happiness and kissed my baby's cheek to which she giggled again.

I placed Taysa with her toys again so that I can interrogate Bella.
"Shoot" I said in excited tone.

"So it all happened last Saturday. Sebastian asked me for a date but I declined it because I had other plans. Somehow he cancelled my other plans and made me to come with him. I was so angry with him. I didn't even talked to him properly.

When we reached our destination, I was surprised to find it was one of my favorite places. Slowly my anger calmed down and we started having a wonderful evening.

After having our dinner, he suddenly knelt down in front of me. I first thought he might be picking up something but his next words made me froze" she smiled, remembering her evening. Then she giggled, saying "you should have seen his face when I didn't answered him. It was priceless. He looked like he's gonna faint out of nervousness. But at last I answered him 'yes'" her eyes were shinning with immense happiness.

I was smiling so hard that my cheeks were hurting. I hugged her tightly and whispered, "I'm so happy for you two. Jesus. I can't believe, it finally happened" I squealed again.
"What do you mean it finally happened?"
"Oh don't act innocent. We all knew one day you two are gonna get married. We were just waiting for the day to finally come"
"So you didn't knew about the proposing plan?"
"Of course not"
"But Sebastian said Lucifer already knew. I thought he might have told you too"
"He knew?" I gasped in surprise.
She only giggled in reply.

After talking for some time, we watched some episodes of 'How I met your mother' for some time. Soon Sebastian and Lucifer arrived. Taysa went again overexcited seeing her Dada returning. He picked her up and kissed her forehead.

I smiled and welcomed Sebastian, congratulating him. But I didn't gave much attention to my husband.

'He hide such important plan from me. He deserve some punishment'

He frowned and didn't said anything but kissed me hard. Taysa felt neglected and started crying. I broke the kiss and laughed at her behavior.

"Aww. She's jealous" Bella cooed from behind.

Soon we all had dinner together. During dinner, I asked "So when's the wedding?"
"We haven't decided it yet" Bella blushed while saying.
"We'll have it soon" Sebastian said while looking at Bella with eyes full of love. I awed looking at them.

After eating dessert they left. I picked Taysa and brought to her room. I then fed her and slowly rocked her until she fell asleep.

While placing her on her crib, I felt Lucifer's presence behind me. Soon enough, he wrapped his arms around my waist. Once I secured Taysa, I felt him pulling me towards him as he started kissing and nibbling my shoulder and neck, sending shivers down my back. I felt him smirk against my neck as he continued.

"Lucifer" I whimpered and moaned, getting lost in pleasure.
He groaned lowly and tugged me out of our daughter's room.

When we entered our room, he slammed me to the wall and start kissing the hell out of me. I immediately wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him with equal passion.

'What about his punishment, woman?' My inner self scolded me.
Oops! I nearly forgot it. But he feels too good to stop. Mmmm.... Maybe I should forget about the puni-
'Shut up and do it'

I stopped his hand which was slipping under my top and lightly pushed him. He looked at me with hooded eyes as I gasped breathing in sufficient air.

His eyes darken more eyeing my chest and he brought his face to kiss my neck but I pushed him again.

"Stop" I whispered with heavy heart.
"Why?" He asked in confusion but his voice turned out to be more sexy as it was clouded with lust.
"Because I'm mad at you" I whispered hardly in audible range while trying to push him.
"Because I am ma... My goodness. What are you? A wall? You aren't moving an inch" I huffed pushing him harder.

He only tighten his grip around my waist and pulled me hard against his chest. I hold on to his shoulder and looked up at him with wide eyes.

"You hide such an important news from me. You already knew about Sebastian's plan, didn't you? Then why did you hide it? You could have told me"
"Love" he sighed, "If I have had told you, Bella would have already known the truth"
"Why's that?" I frowned.
"Because you are so bad at hiding things. Plus you are the worst liar I've ever known"
"No I'm not" I gasped dramatically.
"Yes, You are" he whispered kissing my cheeks and nose.
"I hate you" I whispered back.
"See? I told you. You are a bad liar" he smirked and placed his lips on me.

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