16. Good Times are Here Again

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Another week goes by, and it's another week I still haven't figured out what the hell I'm doing. Everything's the same for the most part, my dad still went out last Friday with Ms. Montgomery, Grace and I still haven't made up, and I'm still stuck in a vicious cycle of school and being grounded. Things have been the same with Brent too. Every morning I get to school to find a note waiting for me, and every day that there's football practice I meet him under the bleachers. We talk, we joke, we just spend time together. It's nice, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me a little antsy. Sometimes I get brave and hope for more, even though I don't actually know what I am to him yet.

I know what he is to me.

Right now I'm working on yearbook, but I keep glancing at the clock even though I tell myself not to. Today is just another day I'll be meeting him after practice. Having Brent on my mind always makes it harder to concentrate, but I manage, especially since the yearbook is something I'm actually passionate about. It feels like I've been working on it forever, but I know it'll be perfect when it's finally finished. It's crazy to think the year is basically halfway over already, and for just a second it makes me sentimental to realize how close I am to being done with all of this. Then I remember that I can't wait to get out of here, and I'm fine.

"Hey, Jonah, can I come in?" Queen appears at the door, knocking for effect even though he doesn't bother waiting for an invitation. I was so relieved when he hadn't tried acting friendly with me after we got back from break, but it's clearly not meant to last.

"What do you want, Bram? I'm kind of busy." I'm vainly trying to will him away with my mind, but it's not working. At the very least I hope he hasn't come to talk about Grace, because that's not something I feel like discussing. Especially not with him, it's none of his business, even if she has been sitting with him at lunch. That's another sore spot, I guess it was stupid to think we'd still be eating together after our fight, but does she really have to cheat on me with him? Him, of all people! It's just one more thing to deepen the already festering sense of betrayal.

"It won't take long." He appears to be uncomfortable as he clasps his hands behind his back and glances over my shoulder to see what I'm doing. We both know playing coy won't get him anywhere, so he finally works up the nerve to make his case. "So, listen, a couple of us from Future Leaders of America are going to the city council meeting later, I was hoping you might want to come."

"Why on God's green earth would I want to do that?" I'm more relieved than anything to hear his request, it leaves me free to retort with effortless and dry sarcasm.

"Well, they're having a debate tonight, I'm sure you heard about it. Your dad's going to be there, and I know he's your dad, but I thought it would go a long way if you went to show everyone you don't agree with his views." Queen is completely serious, but I have a hard time taking him as that when I notice the leather pants and sequined scarf he's wearing. Part of me actually wants to agree to go with him, just so I can see the priceless look on my dad's face when he spots me in the audience sitting next to him.

"So let me get this straight, you want me to go with you to support my dad's opponent?" The idea is so comical that I laugh, then I shake my head and go back to focusing on my work.

"I don't know why you think it's funny, do you hate science and gay people too? He's leading in the polls, if we don't do something he'll win, and we can't let that happen." The way he talks about it makes it seem so important, like it's life or death. He'd be better off just ignoring it like I do.

"He's running for city council, not President of the United fucking States, get real." My mind is unchanged, and I snicker again.

"Every ocean starts with a drop of water. Maybe it's just city council now, but what about when it's the Governor? Or Congress? When does it start to matter? Trust me, Jonah, I've dealt with intolerance my whole life, we can't even give it an inch." Once again he makes his plea, but I'm sure he has to realize I'll never say yes.

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