38. All Things Come to an End

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It's so surreal, I've been in denial about our impending graduation for a while, but there are just three weeks left of school now. Three weeks. There've been so many times I would've relished the thought, but it hardly seems like enough. I'm nervous, and understandably sad, but I guess I'm also ready—more so than I've been these past few months. Life is good, I'm good, and even though I didn't get everything I want I still had an amazing year. I learned so much, and saw a side of things I never thought to explore before, but all things come to an end, and this experience isn't any different.

It's just so surreal, a part of me hates saying goodbye, but the other part is way too eager to pack it all up and move on. Maybe this is what being at peace is supposed to feel like. Today's an exciting day for most of the school, and while I'm shut away in the yearbook room the hall outside is filled with lively chatter. It's the last baseball game of the season, the last game ever for our seniors. For Brent. For a second I think about him, feeling all the familiar things, but I don't want to ruin my peace. That's the one thing that still hurts, even if I have come to a place of acceptance, and I turn my mind to kinder thoughts as I'm joined by two welcome faces.

"See, told you he'd be in here," Grace shakes her head at Queen, filled with the lovable sass we both know. Then she puts me in her sights, "what are you doing?"

"Packing. I figured I'd get a head start now that the yearbook's basically finished." I tell her, fitting the last of my gear into the box I've spent the past half hour filling. Admittedly it's taken me longer than it should've, but I spent four years in this room, it's filled with so many wonderful memories. My work is done though, despite the empty space left open for graduation pictures and senior superlatives, so it's time to start looking for a new hobby. I wonder if they'll let me do yearbook in college? I'm in danger of losing myself in a sea of thought again, but then I remember my guests. "What're you guys up to?"

"Well, we were thinking about going to see a movie, we thought you might want to come. How about it?" Queen asks, a little over the top. He's not a very good liar, I can tell something's up even before Grace shoots him a quick glare.

"You decided to stay after school to ask if I want to hang out? Why didn't you just text me?" The mystery's not too difficult to unravel, I'm pretty sure I know what they're trying to do. "Look, I appreciate the concern, but I'm fine. Really."

"I know, but I thought you might like some company anyway." Grace smiles, doing what she does best. Game days like today are usually the worst, where everyone from the students to the teachers celebrate the jocks. More importantly they celebrate Brent, their star quarterback and captain of the baseball team. I won't lie, of course it rubs it in more than usual, but I'll make it through.

"Originally we were going to go to the game, since it's the last one, but we agreed it probably wasn't the best idea. You know, for you." Queen adds, like he thinks full disclosure will be a benefit in any way.

"Sorry to disappoint, but after I'm done here I've got to head home and continue packing. You guys should go to the game, tell me what happens." I mean it, it doesn't bother me and I don't want to ruin their plans. Not like it's a big deal, all things come to an end. They're reluctant, obviously, so with a chuckle I aim to appease them. "Seriously, go, I'm good. I'm moving back in with my dad this weekend and getting ready for graduation, I've got a lot more going on than just Brent."

"Promise you'll call if you need anything? I'll be right over, death by chocolate." There's no better friend than Grace, she knows just what to say. We laugh about it and I hope I've convinced them, but not quite.

"Me too, you know you can talk to me, I'm on your side all the way. You don't deserve how Brent treated you, people like him think they can do whatever they want. People like you and me need to stick together." It's not his fault, I know Queen means well, but we haven't been friends nearly as long and he's not as attuned to handling my needs. If anything I feel kind of bad for him, I've come to learn what a good guy he is, and he's got so many selfless ideals on so many things, but there's this one thing where he's dead wrong.

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