1 | Men

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"You live and die by the chase. And I can tell by that look there on your face, you look at love like a race. And once you've won, you're done"

~ Where You Want Me (Ticket to LA) 


I sat at the bar, caressing the top of my drink as I eyed the club for taken men. After a few scans, my eyes landed on a guy who looked to be in his mid-thirties. He had on a wedding band. He sat a few feet away from me. He was looking elsewhere at the moment, so I had a second to take in his good looks. He was easy on the eyes, his grey hair adding to his allure. Moments later, he looked up, making eye contact with me. I threw a shy smile his way. He immediately smiled, not knowing what was headed his way.  

"So you like married men?" A deep voice asked, drawing me out of my seduction.

I blinked, turning to find the source of the voice. Chills ran up my spine when I caught dark green eyes staring back at me. I cleared my throat, gaining control over myself. "Sure. If you wanna call it that."

He moved in closer, his strong scent overwhelming my senses in a good way...in a way, I wasn't used to. "What do you wanna call it?"

"I call it having fun." I took a sip of my drink, trusting the alcohol to take the edge off my sudden nerves. "Am I not allowed to?" 

He recoiled at my bitter tone. "You sound as if I've offended you."

I shrugged. "Maybe you have."

His eyes widened even more. "How so?"

I gave him a look and chuckled. "Trust me, you don't want to know."

A small smile tugged at his full lips. "I don't trust strangers."

His joke flew over my head as I was shocked that he was still confidently bickering with me. I stared at him for a moment. "And your point is?"

"I want to know how I've offended you."

"What you want isn't relevant."

"It's not what I want as much as what's right."

"Hmm. How?"

He moved in closer still and my breath hitched in my throat. "You're accusing me of offending you. I have a right to know what exactly I did to offend you."

"But we're not in a court of law," I argued mindlessly. His eyes were striking, easily the most beautiful things about him. The rest of him was all man. His jaw was strong, the rest of his face structured in hard lines. His body hovered over me and it dominated our space without him even trying. It made me uneasy, to say the least. I wasn't used to men not bowing before me. 

At my defiance, he gave me a look that chilled me to my bones and I blurted out. "You're a guy."

He looked utterly confused. "Obviously."

"Well, that's just it."

"Wait, are you saying that me being a guy is what offended you?"

I gave him a simple nod. "Yeah."

He let out a loud chuckle and shook his head. "So why is me being a guy offensive?"

I let out a soft groan. "Why do you care?"

He shrugged. "Just because. Humor me."

I almost rolled my eyes but stopped myself just in time. "I do this because men are trash and I hate them for it."

His eyebrows furrowed at my words. Something shifted in him at that moment and the air thickened between us. "So you hate me without even knowing my last name? Don't you think that's a bit odd?"

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