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"I was born into thinking you were perfect and that every word you spoke was truth. But now I realize your mistakes and it will never be the same. But no pressure if you don't came through. I searched for years to find some kind of peace of mind, but now I've done my time. What does it take for you to understand that all of your problems made me who I am. These scars are still bleeding now, but I'm not mad"

~ Healing of Time (Stripped)


Mom opened the door on the second bell.

Seeing her face suddenly brought back everything and anything I had been pushing away for the past few weeks. The hurt, the lies, the beautiful memories, the love...everything came rushing back and I practically jumped into her arms.

I missed her.

I missed her so much.

Maybe it made me weak, forgiving her so easily. I don't know. I didn't even know I was forgiving her until I saw her right now. I wanted to sit and talk, but here before her, I knew I'd already forgiven her.

Yes, she lied to me. Yes, she broke my heart. Yes, she broke my trust.

But she was my mom.

She was good to me my entire life. She was gentle with me. She cared for me. And when I needed it, she was patient.

She forgave me for a lot of the shit I put her through as a teenager.

Do I owe her and especially myself to at least give fixing our relationship a shot?

I nodded to myself as I bawled my eyes out into her arms. I was uncontrollable, shaking as my emotions wrecked through my body.

I wasn't only crying for the crack in my heart she caused.

I was crying for the hole in my heart where my relationship with my father should be. I'd been good about burying that hole with dirt and ignoring it my entire life.

Now, though, it was empty and wide open. It was finally exposed...and it hurt. It hurt so much, much more than I'd expected.

"I'm so sorry, Liv," she cried. I sniffed, my cries quieting as I finally realized she was crying, too. "I'm sorry for everything. This should've never happened. I should've told Noah. He should've been a part of your life. I took something valuable and irreplaceable from both of you with my selfish decision. I would take it all back in a heartbeat if I could." She pulled back to meet my teary eyes with her red ones. She looked so tired and the unusual dark bags under her eyes saddened me even more. "I'm willing to do whatever I can to fix this. I'm willing to meet with Noah and apologize if that helps with connecting you two. I want to work on us, sweetheart. You are my everything."

A sob escaped me at her words. "Really? Do you mean that?"

She nodded fast, wiping away my tears. "This was my mistake. I want to fix it."

I sniffed and brought her into a tight hug. She wrapped her arms around me quickly. "It'll take a bit before I can fully restore my trust in you, mom, but I know we can do it. I want us to get back to where we were, too."

She nodded into my shoulder before we pulled away. I caught the sad look in her eyes before she pushed it behind a fake smile. "I should apologize to Noah, too. I deprived him of you."

Hunting Cheaters | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora