11 | Wrong

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I have a new story titled I Don't Wanna Write This. If you have time to spare, I would love it if you would check it out and let me know what you think!


"I could have showed you all the scars at the start, but that was always the most difficult part"

~ Outnumbered (Dermont Kennedy)


As the days passed, the lies I kept selling to Amber piled on and on. And with each lie, I felt worse and worse about myself. Sure, during the times I spent with Hunter, his presence would quiet the doubtful thoughts. But as soon as I was alone, it was all I could think about. I couldn't even make it to our monthly girls night two days ago with all of my girls because I couldn't face Amber. I feared I would spill everything as soon as I saw her.

So when Hunter called me to invite me out this morning, I couldn't have said yes fast enough. It was my day off and my thoughts were eating me alive as I tried to have my morning coffee in peace.

After a few minutes of back and forth, Hunter finally convinced me to join him on his adventurous plans that terrified me. He wanted to go white water rafting and as much as I wanted to spend more time with him, this wasn't how I wanted or rather, expected, to do it.

"Why are you so worried? It's only a river, Liv," Hunter finally spoke after parking the car.

I turned to him, catching his amused eyes. "What makes you think I'm worried?"

"You haven't said a word the entire ride."

I shrugged. "It was a short ride."

"We've been on the road for about forty minutes."

I shook my head and eyed the road for a minute before letting out a defeated sigh. "Okay, fine. I'm worried. You caught me."


"How strong is the current?"

"Not that strong," he said easily, "it's definitely something you can swim against."

I sighed, realizing his answer doesn't make a difference.

He leaned in closer when my fingers started fidgeting. "Are you scared of water?"

I gave him a look. "If I was scared of water, how would I shower?"

He leaned back while letting out a loud laugh. "Alright, feisty, I was just trying to understand your odd behavior."

"I can't swim," I blurted out, "I never learned and now I'm an adult so it's too late. That's why I'm scared. If I fall out of the raft, I can't save myself."

He went quiet for a moment. After a while, I raised my eyes to meet his in question, but he just smiled at me. It was such a sweet and beautiful smile and it calmed all my nerves, just like that. "It's never too late to learn anything, Liv."

I groaned. "You're such a glass half full guy."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"It is when I'm trying to complain and need you to agree with me," I joked, a teasing smile finding its way to my lips.

He chortled. "But you know, I'll save you if you fall out of the raft. The water should be cooling, too, so I wouldn't mind at all."

I frowned.

He didn't skip a beat as he asked, "what's that frown for?"

I inhaled a large breath. "I want to save myself, Hunter."

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