Chapter 12

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Finally get to update! Hope you like it! :)


Chapter 12

"Nooo!" I squealed as Niall picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He opened the first door he saw and ran outside as I pounded on his back, trying to wiggle free, but he was too strong, keeping a tight hold around my waist. "Niall!" He finally put me down and I huffed, glaring at him. "Okay, so we're outside? What-" A blast of cold water hit me right in the face. I sputtered a mouth of curse words at him, put most couldn't be heard since there was water in my mouth.


Niall just continued to laugh at me, pointing the hose in my direction. The cold blast of water sprayed me right in the face, then down to my legs. I tried running but he still sprayed me from a distance.

"But Princess, it's hilarious!"

"IT'S FREAKING COLD THAT'S WHAT IT IS!" I shivered as he finally put the hose down. Most of the chocolate was sliding down my body and off of my clothes. "Your turn, Blondie." I snatched the hose away from him and aimed it directly at his face, making him stumble back and fall over. I laughed softly, continuing to spray him even though he was lying down on the grass. His face was as red as a tomato. "Yeah! Not so fun now huh, Mr. Horan?!"

"Okay! Okay! I surrender! I'm clean!" Niall screamed, trying to run away from the water. I sprayed him once more but eventually put the hose down, trying to contain my laughter. He spit a ton of water out. I shut the hose off as he came behind me and kissed my cheek. I blushed a bit and turned around to face him.

"I think we should've brought towels," I whispered, laughing a bit. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms, trying to get some warmth.

"Hey, you got me." He whispered back near my ear, sending chills down my spine. He held me close to him, arms wrapped around my shoulders, and I looked up at the sky as we hugged each other like this. Nothing could be more perfect. It looked maybe around five o' clock. I couldn't believe I just had a chocolate and whipped cream fight with the boys.

"Oooh, am I interrupting something?" I looked up to see Liam, wiggling his eyebrows at us.

"Shut up, Liam," Niall and I both mumbled, looking down a bit.

"Fine then, guess you two don't want these?" He waved the towels in front of us as Niall and I practically ran to Liam.

"Liam! God bless you!" I said, snatching the towels from him.

"Liam has saved us once again!" Niall said as I handed him a towel.

"Now come on you lovebirds, we have to clean up this house." Liam said, leading us inside like little kids as Niall and I groaned. We walked inside to see everyone else grumbling a bit, cleaning the walls and floor. They were all at least a bit cleaned up, clothes not completely drenched in chocolate.

"Don't you guys have people to do this for you?" I grumbled, throwing all the empty whipped cream bottles and chocolate sauce.

"That's what I said!" Zayn yelled, even waving his arms up in emphasis. I laughed lightly.

"Simon thinks it would help us be more responsible." Harry said, in a bored tone, spraying the Windex on a nearby window and wiping the window down.

I scoffed. "You guys are anything but responsible. Only LiLi over here is responsible."

"LiLi?" He said, a bit confused.

"It's my new nickname for you." I poked his nose as I skipped past him.

"Do you have nicknames for the rest of us?" Niall asked, smirking.

"Umm, Nialler is my little Leprechaun, Harry shall be, Sir Curls," I teased, making Harry burst out with laughter. "Zayn...I would call you Zaynie Boo but I'm sure Daniella already calls you that so, you shall be the classic DJ Malik..." This made him smile like an idiot. I winked at him then continued, "Louis...I don't like you anymore."

Louis put on a fake hurt expression. "But why not, love?'

"You practically kidnapped me and held me hostage in that closet!"

He smirked a bit, wiggling his eyebrows at me. "You know you loved it." He winked at me playfully.

"Oh gosh, Harry, hand me that bucket next to you." I said, starting to fake gag.

"Aww, can we be all better? Best friends forever?" Louis said holding out his arms open for a hug. He wiggled his fingers and moved his hips a bit, making me burst out laughing.

"Can somebody pat him down?" I asked, looking around the room. "I think he's going to try something again."

The boys bursted out laughing but didn't pat him down. They just pushed me towards Louis, so I was forced to hug him. Reluctantly, I fell into Louis' arms and we hugged it out. He rested his chin on my head, sighing loudly but happily. I felt myself smiling a bit as we tightened the hug. He kissed my head in a sisterly way, and gave me a big smile.

"See! I didn't try anything!" He said obviously proud of himself.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're probably only doing that because people are around."

He laughed patting my head. "Oh, you know me too well, Goldie."

"I also know Liam would've killed you if you dirtied this house anymore."

He scoffed rolling his eyes. "It wasn't entirely my fault the walls and floors look like a chocolate bomb exploded in here."

"Mmhmm, whatever." I said laughing then threw away some paper towels I had used to wipe down the counters. Once we were all cleaned and the house looked a bit better, we all sighed, sitting down on the couches. I was exhausted. We had a pretty long day, but it was a lot of fun. I was sitting in between Niall and Liam, the two boys I was probably closest too. At first I was sitting next to Louis, but he started braiding my hair which frightened me a bit. Niall and Liam were still trying to untangle it.

"OW!" I yelled as Liam pulled on my hair.

"Sorry!" He said sounding absolutely sincere. Aww, Liam you big softie. He softly pulled apart my hair, much gentler than before.

"What do we do now?" Zayn moaned looking absolutely bored.

"We can go out." Harry suggested.

"Let's just stay home and watch a movie." Louis said in a whiny tone.

"I'm with Louis. We can watch -"

"NO!" The boys all yelled immediately, and we all bursted out laughing. Liam put on a fake hurt expression and everyone rushed over to hug him.

"You know we didn't mean it, Li." I said, hugging him from the side.

"It's just that we watch that movie all the time." Zayn said, patting his back.

"All right." His smile returned. "What about you Niall?"

"I'd actually like to go out." I heard Niall say. "With Addie tonight." I felt my cheeks get all red as the boys all 'oohed', whooped, and hollered.

"GET IT, NIALLER!" Louis said, fist pumping.

"OH MY GOSH, LOUIS! SHUT UP!" I yelled, sure my face was super red.

"Soo Addie, what do you say?" Harry asked as giddy as ever, practically leaning on the edge of his seat, wiggling his eyebrows a bit.

"Say yes!" Zayn pleaded.

I rolled my eyes at him then turned back to Niall. He looked a bit worried. I could just see that look in his eye. He was also blushing a bit, red patches staining his cheeks.

"Soooo, what do you say, Addie?"

"Of course!" I said, hugging him as everyone around us 'awwed', muttering something about how I was Niall's princess. I smiled as I leaned into him, trying to hide my super red cheeks and this huge grin I couldn't keep off my face.

Me? Adelaide Maria Thompson? Niall's new princess?

Who would've thought.

Lucky Me // Niall Horanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن