Chapter 14

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The moment you've all been waiting for! Their date! :D


Chapter 14

"Are we there yet?" I whined, squirming in my seat a bit.

"For the thousandth time, no." Liam said back, chuckling a bit.

I sighed a bit and leaned back into the leather seats. "Fine."

"We're almost there, Addie."

"You said that like five minutes agooooo."

"You're acting like a child."

"I am not!" I said, sticking my tongue out him.

"Thank the Lord we're almost there."

"You annoyed by me, Payne?" I asked, teasingly.

"This isn't going to work out. I don't know your real last name." Liam said back, turning the steering wheel towards to the right. "Your twitter said Horan though." He winked at me as I blushed a bit.

I rolled my eyes. I really needed to change that. Then, I hadn't told them my last name. "It's Thompson. Adelaide Thompson." I said, in a James Bond like tone. Liam chuckled as we talked a bit more. It was about the most random things.

"What happens to your Facebook after you die?" I asked, very curious.

"You get a special ghostly wi-fi system in your casket with a built in laptop so you could check it." Liam joked with me as I fake gasped.

"But really. What happens?"

"I don't know. I might hire someone to keep updating for me to freak people out." We bursted out laughing, joking about what we would post. It was hilarious. In around five minutes Liam had finally dropped me off at where our date would be. A smile formed on my face as I saw the familiar chicken logo. Nando's. Liam said he'd pick me up later as I started to walk into the restaurant. It was fairly crowded and the smell of their chicken filled the air. I walked up to the cashier. She seemed spot me first, a smile on her face.

"Right this way, Miss." She led me towards a private table towards the back of the restaurant. Fancy much. There my Niall was waiting for me. He looked up a me, the familiar grin appearing on his face. He was wearing a gray hoodie with his famous red polo and khakis. I was glad I decided to keep it casual.

"Well, don't you look amazing!" He beamed at me, pulling the chair out for me to sit down. I blushed, looking down at my boots. He was such a gentleman. What did I do to deserve such a sweet guy?

"I think should be saying the same to you!" I said, and started to look at the menu he handed me. Niall and I made conversation playing little games to get to know each other better. He was very indecisive about what he wanted.

"Everything looks so good, though!" He protested.

"Niall, if you don't pick something I'm going to strangle you." I joked with him.

He gasped playfully. "Violent much. I know what I want now."

"Thank goodness." I sighed deeply.

"What's the rush, babe?"

"Won't like the paparazzi or something show up? I'm surprised fans haven't been waiting here."

"I didn't tweet about it so I'm not expecting anyone to come."

"So, Mr. Horan, how much has life changed for you since you became a part of One Direction?"

"Well, it's changed a lot. It's mostly a good kind of change. I'll admit I do miss home a bit."

"What's Ireland like?" I asked, genuinely interested in the Emerald Isle. Niall absolutely had me captivated. The way his eyes sparkled and how he smiled wider at just the mention of his home town. He told me about his favorite futbol team and how he loved to go to one of their games. He told me about some of his old friends there and a bit about his family. It was nice to know that they're were guys who were still very close to their families and didn't forget about them once they left the house.

The only time we stopped talking was when the food came. The chicken was just cooked to perfection. Their Peri-Peri sauce said it even better. It was a bit spicy, but our reactions when we first bit into the chicken, feeling the spicy taste dance all over our taste buds was hilarious. Our eyes grew wide and we had to call the waitress for some water.

I bursted out laughing as I saw Niall sniffing a bit.

"Are you crying?" I asked, laughing.

"N-No." He mumbled, looking up and blinking a bit. "Just my allergies."

"Yeah right." I scoffed. "It's all right though. I'm crying too." I said, sniffing even more. We both bursted out laughing at each other, tears flowing because we were laughing at each other now. There was never really a dull moment in our date. He told me about his family. I told him a bit about mine, but I didn't tell him about how my parents died. If you're wondering, yes, I already knew a lot about Niall because I was a fangirl on tumblr, but there were things I didn't know about him. There was a more personal side to him. It was different from just reading these facts on tumblr. It was genuine. It was sweet.

It was starting to get late. It was almost ten o' clock. I had gotten here at eight so the fact that we had been talking for almost two hours was a good thing. Niall had paid, insisting. He had held my hand at the cash register, me occasionally smiling down and looking a them. Our fingers were intertwined and seemed to fit perfectly.

"Thank you for such a great night." I whispered to Niall as we walked outside.

"No problem, Princess." He said, making me blush a bit. "You're really cute when you blush, you know that?" He pushed a couple of strands away from my face.

"Well I'm about to get real adorable." I laughed a bit, feeling my cheeks deepen even more.

"Adelaide?" He asked as we stood there in front of the restaurant, our noses and foreheads touching.


"I know I haven't know you for that long, but..." He trailed off and I couldn't hear him for a minute. I gave him a confused look, tilting my head a bit. I placed a hand under his chin, turning his head a bit so he was looking at me.

"Niall? You say something?"

I waited for him to say something. At first he didn't say anything. Almost like he was arguing with himself whether to say it or not. To my surprise, he didn't say a thing.

His lips seemed to speak for him.

He leaned in and suddenly his lips were pressed against mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. I kissed him back sweetly. He deepened the kiss a bit more, our lips moving perfectly together. He lips were a soft, and I could feel the love in our kiss. We both pulled away breathless as I buried my face in the crook of his neck. He kissed the top of my head, a warm feeling going through my whole body.


"Niall?" I whispered into his neck.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Ni. I love you too."


Ahh, right in the feels! Naddie! <3

I don't really have anything to say. IDK, i start school in 2 weeks, so when schoool starts updates will be REALLY slow. Just wanted to tell you in advance.

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