Chapter 24

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Lucky Me will be over 30 parts, my longest story so far so I'm excited fo r that. Just wanted to give every one a heads up. Hope you like the chapter! :)


Chapter 24

Liam's POV

"Will she be there?" I asked through my iPhone as I looked at my watch. 3 hours till Niall's plan was in action. Addie and Niall hadn't talked for a week. No cute tweets the fans would squeal over, no DM's, no goodnight calls. Nothing. Even Addie wouldn't go any where with me or the boys if Niall was there.

"Yeah, she's taking the night shift since I'm out with Zayn tonight." Daniella said excitedly.

"Have fun, love. Zayn will be excited to see you."

"I know. Hope Niall's plan works out. Addie's been kinda down lately."

"Has she?" I asked. Whenever we went out with her she seemed to be all right.

"Yeah, she really misses those good night calls." I heard yelling in the background. "All right, I'm coming! I gotta go, Liam. Talk to you later."

"Bye, Daniella." We both hung up after a bit as I got out of my car and walked up the pathway to Niall's flat. I lightly knocked on the door and waited patiently. Niall opened it without a word and started to set thing against the couch, taking a step back to make sure he had everything. It was just his guitar and a suit.

"Ready, mate?" I gave him a small smile.

He looked up at me, nodded, and returned the smile. "Ready."

* * * *

Louis' POV

"What if she doesn't get in with us?" Zayn asked as we started to drive to the bakery to pick up Addie. It was around the perfect time. Close to sunset. Mission: Get Addie Back was a go.

"Then we'll just throw her in the back." I said with a light shrug. Zayn and Liam were a bit surprised. Harry was just cracking up in the back seat.

"What? I think we got some rope in the trunk . . . " I mused playfully.

"Simple, but effective." Harry said, making us all laugh. Ahh, the X Factor days.

"Just don't tell her we're taking her to see Niall. That's the only way." I concluded, boys nodding in response.

"Though I'd think it'd be hilarious if we had to tie up, Addie." Zayn said, chuckling.

"She'd kill us." Harry joined in.

"All right boys. It's go time." Liam said, like we were on a secret mission or something. I smirked and jumped out of the car, cautiously looking around like I was a agent, not wanting to be seen. Zayn hummed the Mission Impossible theme as we burst through the quiet bakery door. I quickly grabbed Harry's Ray Ban's and slipped them on all cool and slowly walked to the counter.

Addie was humming and stirring some batter. She had flour on her face and her hair was tied up in a ponytail. She didn't notice us here yet. I leaned against the counter and said in a low, smooth voice. "I'm looking for Adelaide. Adelaide Thompson."

Addie looked up, and smiled lightly. "'Ello boys. Whaddya want, Tomlinson?" She played along, copying my tone.

"Four red velvet cupcakes and you to get in my car."

Her eyes widened. "Umm, Lou, don't you have a girlfriend?" She laughed a bit as I realized how odd that sounded.

"It sounded cooler in my head, okay? But c'mon."

Lucky Me // Niall HoranΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα