Chapter 5 O, Ling Ling, wherefore art thou Ling Ling?

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"Do you want me to carry it?" Eddy asked, pointing at Brett's small suitcase.

"No, I'm okay," Brett replied without looking at his friend.

"Let me take your violin case at least."

"Okay, thanks." Brett passed the case to Eddy and their hands touched on the handle. The warmth of his friend's fingers almost made him jump, but Brett still couldn't look up. He hadn't seen his friend since last Friday, and his heart was beating so strangely in his chest, he could feel the blood going up to his face, and a buzzing in his ears. Get a grip, he told himself, get a grip, man.

They started walking towards the bus stop outside the Math building where they'd just had their Friday lesson. Eddy broke the silence.

"Sorry I didn't get to text you before my mum called yours. It happened very fast."

"It's all right. No problem," Brett replied.

"They're gone to my gran, now," Eddy continued.

They got on the bus and sat next to each other. Eddy cradled Brett's violin on his lap and Brett felt weirdly good about that. "My mother came to my room this afternoon," he said, "and she didn't tell me about your parents wanting me over coz they're off with your sister. She just said, 'Pack your bag, now, lah!'"

Eddy chuckled so Brett went on, "She looked so grumpy, for a moment I thought, 'she's getting rid of me.' She's found her real son at last, the good one, and I've got to move to a camp bed in the attic. If I'm lucky."

Eddy was grinning. "Yeah," he said, "the one who passed all his exams with straight A's. He's both a doctor, AND a lawyer now -"

"AND a top soloist," Brett interrupted, "who showers the family with presents after each international tour."

"He can play all 24 caprices," Eddy added.

"By heart!" Brett said. "He never goes to parties, and he always brings honour to the family, lah!"

"I feel your pain, bro," Eddy said. Brett smiled and for the first time in two weeks, a little weight lifted off his chest. "Asian mums, the scars, man, the trauma..." Eddy let his voice trail and they both chuckled. "My mum's mythical son..." he went on.

"My mum's mythical son, my perfect brother..." Brett echoed his friend's words.

"My perfect brother Ling..." Eddy said.

"My perfect brother Ling..." Brett said at the same moment.

"Ling Ling!" they shouted together.

"Aaow... The PERRR-FECT Ling Ling. He studies all the time, he's a doctor, a lawyer... " Eddy said.

"And he practices the violin 40 hours a day!" Brett replied.

Eddy stood up and turned towards the whole bus-full of passengers. He raised one arm in the air, and with the other he held Brett's violin case across his body like a dancer supporting his waltz partner. "Oh, Brother Ling Ling!" He shouted at the startled commuters. He tossed his thick black hair out of his eyes like a shampoo add pro. "Where art thou?!!"

They collapsed in their seats in fits of laughter, their shoulders pressed against each other. Eddy almost let slip of Brett's violin. He caught it, still laughing and hugged it tight against his chest.

Brett watched Eddy as he crunched up his features. That expression always made Brett laugh. He called it "The Face". Eddy pressed the violin case against "The Face" and snorted as he tried to repress his giggle. His lips were shiny and wet and left a trail on the black surface. A small butterfly fluttered inside Brett's chest. He'd been a total dinkweed with his friend, even if Eddy looked like he would forgive him. It was chance that had brought them together again for one weekend. Would it be long enough to make up? He had a confession to make. He had a choice. He could keep on hiding behind the bullshit or he could tell the truth.

Brett looked at his friend from the corner of his eye. What would Ling Ling do?

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