CHAPTER 15 Birthday boi

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"Brett, wake up! Wake up, bro."

There was too much light in the room, and someone was shaking him by the shoulder. "Come on, wakey wakey!"

"Mmm... goddamn it," Brett mumbled as he pulled the duvet over his face.

But someone pulled harder the other way and Brett had to open one eye.

"Coffee, Birthday Boy!" Eddy was leaning over him, holding a cup, and smiling. Yes, he was smiling.

"Glasses..." Brett mumbled.

"Nope. First I get to look at you in your birthday suit."

"Don't be silly." But Brett was grinning, trying to focus on his friend's face as he hoisted himself up on one elbow. He stretched out a hand to take the coffee but Eddy put the cup on the bedside table out of his reach. "One moment," Eddy said. "There's something you want to tell me, perhaps?"

Brett sat up and wound his arms so tightly round Eddy, he felt all his muscles ache. "Yes, I do. I'm sorry I shouted. I behaved like a dickhead. I want to apologise. I really do." He pressed his face against Eddy's.

"Mm, yes," Eddy replied. "A bit of an inconsiderate dickhead."

Brett felt his friend's hands on his back, stroking him, and he buried his face in the crook of Eddy's neck. "Mm oow a-am," Brett said.

"What was that, BrettyBrett?"

"I know I am," and Brett kissed Eddy's neck, then the bit below the ear that made Eddy catch his breath, then the corners of his mouth, his lips. Brett felt his friend's lips return the kiss and press on his, and Brett closed his eyes.

"Happy birthday," Eddy said. "You can have your coffee."

Brett drank while Eddy sat crossed-legged at the end of the bed, watching him. Brett thought he still looked a little sad, but the world felt like a much better place already.

"Did I get this right, we're meeting Ray plus friends in a restaurant tonight?" Eddy asked.

"Yeah. He recommended somewhere really good. And this afternoon, as soon as the rest of the gang is here, we're going to the ice ring. Cool, no?"

"Brett, don't take it the wrong way, but I don't think I can do the afternoon," Eddy replied.

Brett looked down at the coffee sloshing round his cup. "Too many people, is it?" he asked after a while. And as Eddy wasn't responding, he said, "That's okay. I understand."

"I promise," Eddy said, "I'm not trying to rain on your parade. But yeah, too many people I don't know very well. I'd rather stay in and practice. And edit yesterday's video. Plus I can't ice skate! I fall over and I hurt my knees."

"You were practicing during the night. I heard you." Brett shivered. He got out of the bed but changed his mind and sat back next to his friend. "Maybe you're right... I don't want to spend the rest of my life on the outside." He turned to look at Eddy, but didn't wait for a reply. He quickly grabbed his towel and walked through the door. It was too much already that he could feel Eddy's serious, questioning gaze, drilling holes through his back as he left the room.

He closed his eyes, and stood still under the pouring water. "Don't lock me out," he whispered to the walls of the shower. The water ran down his face, his shoulders, his chest. Brett clenched his fists. "Don't. I can't bear it..."

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