Chapter 1: The Inevitable Wrath of Teenage Angst

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Waking up to the sounds of birds chirping and a warm, gentle breeze blowing through the trees was not something Ethan Concord was accustomed to. However having spent almost all his life living in the heart of New York among the hustle and bustle of busy, city, socialite life, it was definitely a much welcomed change. Ethan tried rolling over in his much-smaller-than-usual bed, attempting to disentangle himself from the mass of bed sheets to no avail. He'd had yet another rough night.

Ethan honestly could not remember the last time he'd slept well, maybe that would explain why he was so bitter and moody all the time. It would have to had been well over two months ago, around the time "It" happened.

Ethan groaned, trying to shake off any thoughts that would lead him down that woefully, unwelcome inevitable trip down memory lane that landed him here; living with his Uncle. Finally getting his right arm free he searched blindly under is pillow for his phone.

7:05 am

He tutted in frustration at having woken up almost half an hour before his alarm was due to sound. Knowing full well he had no chance in Heaven, Hell or Hogwarts of falling back asleep, he continued his raging war with tangled bed sheets to start getting ready the day. Sitting upright on his bed, now free of his sheets; Ethan took in his foreign surroundings.

"This room is hardly any bigger than my closet back home." Ethan thought sullenly to himself as he looked around the dark, dusty room.

It had been three years since he had last stayed with his Uncle Aaron in the sleepy, little town of Carisbrooke, and he remembered this room being a whole lot bigger. Boxes and crates were placed haphazardly on the wooden floor and the small beam of light peaking in through his balcony curtains was reflecting on the metal fastenings of his guitar case.

"Why the hell did I bring that thing?" Ethan thought out aloud.

It had been a number of months since he'd so much as touched his guitar. He hadn't played any music since...

"Agh!" Ethan groaned, stroppily getting out of bed and making his way across the room; now angry with himself for almost letting his thoughts stray back to...

"Shit!" Ethan cried in pain looking down at his feet to find and curse the object responsible for his now throbbing toe.

He picked up the newly broken picture frame to see a young man with flaming red hair sticking up on end and a glinting pair of mischievous grey eyes with permanent smile lines framing them. Ethan closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath while trying to calm his thoughts and his heart.

"Shit..." Ethan breathed hopelessly. He put down the picture frame on his dresser and made his way to the bathroom, hoping maybe a hot shower will wash away the memories he was trying so hard to forget.

"Not today." Ethan said to himself after a good fifteen minutes in a blistering hot shower, admitting defeat.

Today would not be the day he would move on and forget about "It." Or forget about "Him."


Aaron Levy was contently clattering away in the kitchen frying his usual eggs and bacon breakfast.

"I'll worry about clogged arteries when I'm thirty!" He thought to himself, counting his blessings that his father blessed him with a fast metabolism.

Too bad his promise of healthy eating only gave him less than a year of gluttoned freedom. He was placing his bacon and eggs on a plate when he heard incoherent groaning followed by a door slamming from upstairs.

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