Chapter 3: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of Cheese

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Thanks muchly to my friend Ben for helping me with editing this chapter :) 


The storm clouds darkened the mid-May evening, rain was pouring down in buckets and Ethan was running out in the midst of it. He didn't care that he was soaked right through to the skin, he didn't care that the expensive suit his father bought him will probably never be able to worn again, he didn't care that he was suppose to be at yet another fancy dinner with important people he didn't give two shits about. He only cared about seeing him. He needed to see him, to help him forget.

Ethan arrived outside the upper-east side high-riser apartment complex panting, drenched and nursing a fresh blow to the face.

"Ethan, I got your text. What are you doing here?" Jason asked.

Ethan looked at Jason making his way over to him. Jason's usual fiery red hair that usually stuck up on end was darkened and dampened by the rain.

"I can't take it anymore! I don't know what the fuck he wants from me!" Ethan cried emotionally.

"Dude, is gonna be all right, calm down." Jason said as he continued to make his way over to Ethan.

"I AM FUCKING CALM!" Ethan shouted, turning to face Jason square on.

"Woah, chill no you're... What happened to your face?"

Ethan tried to move away as Jason gently put a hand to his face to inspect his freshly bruised, swollen eye and cut above his brow.

"Christ Ethan... Did he do this to you?" Jason asked with concern.

Ethan swatted Jason's hand away.

"Nothing more than what he usually does." Ethan said.

"He.. He can't do that! That's completely fucked!" Jason said outraged.

"It's never stopped him before." Ethan said, becoming emotional and looking at the ground.

Silence passed between them for a moment, neither knowing exactly what to say to each other. Jason could see that Ethan was hurting more than he let on. He always put on a brave face but of late, his facade was slipping little by little. Jason suddenly pulled Ethan into an embrace, wanting to comfort him so he could let go of the facade and take his pain away. 

"I'm sorry Ethan." Jason said softly.

"Why? It's not your fault, you didn't do anything." Ethan mumbled into Jason's shoulder,taking in his comforting warmth.

"I know but... But I could have you know? I should be there for you because- because we are in this together now."

"Don't be stupid Jase, this is my Father we are talking about. I know you mean well but there's nothing you can do." Ethan mumbled into Jason's shoulder again.

Jason loosened his embrace, and gently swept Ethan's messy light brown hair from his hazel eyes, gazing into them with concern.

"You need to rely on me more Ethan." Jason said gently.

Ethan felt a lump rising in his throat as his heart began to beat a million miles a minute. Jason needed to stop looking at him with smoldering gaze of his otherwise he was going to go into cardiac arrest.

"I- I do." Ethan muttered nervously.

A playful smirk graced Jason's face. He knew he was making Ethan nervous and enjoyed every second of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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