Chapter 2: Bra Sizes, Dumplings and What Ethan Doesn't Know

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The bell for lunch could not have come quick enough for Ethan Concord after a monotonous morning of exam revision for English, Biology and his not so favourite subject Chemistry. He didn't want to admit it but he was looking forward to eating lunch with his friends; well, Isabella anyway. Tyler was by no means as easily forgiving.

Ethan made his way into the cafeteria and found Isabella waving at him from the long table to the far right side of the room, closest to the window. He awkwardly made his way over to her through the sea of people scavanging for the best cafeteria lunch and acting much like animals that have just been let out of a cage after having to endure hours of sitting in stifling hot classrooms, dying of boredom.

Ethan took the seat opposite of Isabella as he had a feeling sitting next to her would get him in trouble and on the receiving end of more "death glares" from Tyrant Tyler.

"So how's your first day going so far?" Isabella asked.

Ethan sighed, as he spotted an elderly teacher, sitting upright, head back, fast asleep and drooling, seated at the table behind them.

"Well, better than that guy's I'm guessing." Ethan mused.

Isabella giggled and handed him a small plate and a pair of chopsticks from her neatly packed lunch box.

"That's Mr. Dean, he's retiring at the end of this term."

"Let's hope he's still alive by then." Ethan said just as he spotted Tyler entering the cafeteria.

"Are you sure you want me to have lunch with you? Tyler and-"

"I always bring spares!" Isabella interrupted him. "I have to in case Helena feels like stealing my food."

"Who is Helena?" Ethan asked.

"I am shocked and appalled!" Shrilled a loud dramatic voice.

Ethan barely had time to assess the black haired beauty with glowing olive skin before she suddenly jump ontop of Isabella.

"A-Cup! How come this beautiful man doesn't know who I am?" Helena whined while stroking Isabella's face.

"Helena, please don't call me that!" Isabella hushed.

Ethan was speechless as this excitable young woman continued to stroke and fuss over Isabella like a shiny new toy but Ethan didn't have long to endure this odd behaviour as his saviour came in the form of a skulking giant.

"Yo." Tyler said, announcing his arrival.

"Is it just me or does it suddenly smell like an ashtray in here?" Helena said, acting disgusted and waving her hand in front of her face.

"Hmph." Tyler humphed.

He then proceeded to pull out the chair which Helena was leaning on to take a seat next to Isabella leaving Helena to fall flat on her arse.If Helena wasn't unimpressed by Tyler before, she sure as hell was now.

"You are an insufferable human being Mr. Hirde. I don't know how my beautiful little A-Cup puts up with you." Helena sneered.

She got up off the floor whilst shaking her magnificent head at Tyler.He huffed again as Helena gave Isabella a peck on the cheek before dancing away to join her friend Lillith sitting further down the table.

"So um... That's Helena." Ethan said.

"Yes. I know she seems a little...Different... But she is actually quite lovely once you get to know her." Isabella spoke fondly of her strange friend.

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