Chapter 1

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(Book 2 of the Rich Kids series)

Aurora Collins

(Book 2 of the Rich Kids series)                         Aurora Collins

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"Aurora? Cmon wake up." Charlottes groggy voice says. I groan and turn away. "What time is it?"

"It's 7:15," She replies. I turn to look at her slowly with the meanest glare I can muster up. "Get the fuck out." I point to the door.

The sun is shining in through the window that Charlotte opened and I can feel my annoyance growing. The sound of waves hitting the sand is relaxing though.

Her laugh echoes in the room she shakes me again. "We have plans today remember? The road trip?" She puts her hands on her hips and wears a toothy smile.

"But it's 7:15! Its too early." I rub my eyes and sit up.

Me and Charlotte have been friends for about a year and half now. When I first moved to Florida I bumped into her at the grocery and we immediately became friends. She knows about everything that happened.

"How'd you even get in?" I say in a hoarse voice and drink some water from my bedside table.

"You gave me a spare key like two weeks ago!" She exclaims and takes the covers off me. Oh right, I did. My house is a small two story house that Charlotte basically lives in.

"Bathroom." She pulls me up and pushes me in that direction. "What a mom." I mutter lowly.

I enter the bathroom and close the door. I wash my face and take a quick hot shower. I brush my teeth and stare in the mirror. My blue eyes finally look somewhat alive and my smile a little more genuine.

We're finally getting somewhere.

I walk out and dry my hair with the towel. "Char, when are the others getting here?" I ask and slip on some pale pink shorts and a plain white tee.

"In about thirty minutes. So hurry up." She says and places the last pillow on my made bed that she fixed up. "Thank you, your the best." I smile and give her a quick hug.

"Without me you'd be insane." She brags on and walks away. Her jet black hair is tied up into a bun making her chocolate brown eyes pop. She's about my height, which is 5'6.

"Should I go in this or change?" I ask and spin around. "It's really hot out so just stay in that." She refers to my clothes.

Charlotte and I made plans with a couple of our friends to go on a road trip and hit many states. I've been looking forward to it for a while now.

I have my bags packed and everything. Now we're just waiting for the others to get here, Anne, Blake, and Josh.

"Aurora? Your phones ringing." Char calls from the kitchen.

"Who is it?" I ask and take the phone out of her hand. "Mama Rory." She laughs and for a second, only a second, I'm reminded of Aaron and how Ray used to call me Rory.

"Why is she calling?" I mumble and answer the call. "Hello, Mom?" I lean against the kitchen counter.

"Aurora? How are you?" She says. Her voice sounds weird.

"I'm good. What's up." I say confusedly. She starts to stutter and I feel my heart starting to race. "Mom." I say and stand up. "What's wrong?"

"Well, your fathers sick." She says slowly. "Like fever sick or sick sick?" I whisper and bite my nail.

"He had a stroke his morning. He really wants to see you." Her voice cracks. My heart sinks. A stroke?

"Mom..," I trail off and look at Charlotte who's waiting eagerly to know what's happening. "Give me a sec mom." I cover the speaker and turn to Char.

"My dads sick and he wants to see me." I whisper. Charlottes mouth turns into and 'o' shape. "You should go Aurora. We'll reschedule the trip." Charlotte says sternly.

"No! You guys go without me. It's fine." I assure them. Charlotte thinks about it for a second then nods slowly.

"Are you sure your okay going alone? You know there's a possibility you'll see him." She lights touches my arm.

I close my eyes and feel a headache coming on. I go back on the phone.

"Mom? Yeah I'll get on a plane today." I reply and check the time. I'll make it.

"Okay, text me the details about your flight and I'll rearrange a car at the airport." We say our goodbyes and I cut the line.

"Guess I should book a flight." I groan and massage my temples. "Two." Charlotte says.


"Book two, cause I'm coming with you." She says firmly. I shake my head immediately.

"That's not necessary, you go on the tri-,"

"No! You know that you'll feel better if I went. So I'm going. We have our bags packed and we'll leave right away." She says stubbornly. I stare at her for a second and smile slightly.

"Thank you Charlotte." I whisper sincerely and hug her tight.

"No problem. I'll call the others and tell them we're bailing." I crack a smile and nod.

"I'll call a cab then. Also, we're staying for only a week. That's it." I empathize the word week.

"You got it."

What if I see him? Just the mere thought makes me want to cry. I'll just steer clear. I mean he's probably moved on and we're both mature to act civil if we do see each other.

"They said they're okay with it!" Charlotte calls from the other room referring to Anne, Blake and Josh.

"I found a flight! Leaving in two hours, first class." I call back and book that flight.

"Okay, are we leaving now?" Charlotte appears with her bags and her car keys.

"Yes ma'am. The cab is on the way." I say somewhat cheerfully.

Here I come London, again.

Elegant Rich Kids ♛ |Book 2 of RKs series|Where stories live. Discover now