Chapter 3

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Aurora Collins

   You know, I've always wanted to get away

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You know, I've always wanted to get away. Like away from everything and everyone. I wanna be alone or with friends and just go wild. Do all things I couldn't do as Aurora Collins.

Like I want to dance on the beach at night and blast music in the car with the window down as a cool breeze blows through my hair.

Carefree. That's the word. And free.

As I stepped out of the car and looked at my house, the one I haven't seen in two years, I felt my insides twist.

It's already dark out and the wind picked up.

"It'll be okay," Charlotte whispers comfortingly and pats my shoulder.

"Is all the luggage inside Daniel?" I ask still gazing at the house.

"Yeah, the maids took them in and one more thing." He says and jogs to my side. I look at him and he looks down at his shoes.

"I wanted to apologize about the way I was last time but the truth is I should be thanking you. If you weren't there than I don't think Aaron would be here today." He says in a soft voice and holds out his hand as a sign of peace.

I grab his hand and shake it, telling him I accept his peace offering.

"I'm glad I was there too. High school fucked us all huh?" I laugh lightly and tuck my hair behind my ear.

The wind was blowing slightly and the day was gloomier than usual.

"Oh yeah definitely," he joins in. "But we've all matured. No more teenager bullshit."

"Oh for sure. Let's go in, it's freezing." I whisper and wrap my hands around myself.

Daniel goes in front, me and Charlotte followed behind. He rings the bell and seconds later my mother opens the door and when her eyes land on me I can see her smile grow and her eyes watering.

"Oh, my baby." She whispers and pulls me into a hug. "You changed your hair." She says tearfully while smiling, holding up a strand off my hair.

"Yeah," I laugh and wipe my eyes. "It was time for a change."

"It suits you." She says and turns to Charlotte.

"Hi, you must be the friend Aurora was talking about." My mom sniffles with a wide smile.

"Yup that's me-," Charlotte starts but my mom pulls her into a tight hug.

"I love hugs, I love you," Charlotte whispers and hugs her back. Daniel cracks a grin and I laugh loudly.

"Cmon in." My mom leads us in and closes the door. "Maya? Show this young lady up to her room." My mom instructs the maid.

"Go ahead, I'll be up in a few." I nod to Charlotte.

"If you need me just call. Okay?" Charlotte says firmly and I nod. When Charlotte is out of sight I turn to my mom.

"Where's dad? And is it true? Is he really merging our companies?" I ask immediately and take off my sweater. The heaters must be on high.

"Why don't you talk to him? He's in his office. And Aurora, be gentle." My mom says softly but seriously.

"What's wrong with dad?" I exclaim and furrow my eyebrows.

My mom sighs stressfully and shuts her eyes. "There's...something wrong with his heart. But don't worry, we have some of the best doctors with him." She says in a tired voice and I just notice how drained out my mother looks. She looks as if she hasn't slept in days.

I glance at Daniel and he's avoiding my eyes. I look at him in confusion but nod anyways. I walk towards my dad's office and feel the jitters startup. Daniel and my mother engage in small talk.

I left without saying anything. Does he even want to see me?

I stand in front of his office and raise my knuckles, ready to knock.

I knock twice and a few moments later I hear his voice.

"Come in." He grumbles. He sounds older, and tired.

I open the door and the first face I see is my fathers, seated behind his desk in his mighty chair. But the person seated in front of him made my heart bleed.

I can feel the words leaving my mind and my heart stop.

Aaron Fucking Knight.

No. I wasn't ready for this. I feel light headed.

I can feel the air leaving my lungs. Just looking at him, I can't even look away. He won't either.

Look away goddammit!

He changed. He looks healthier, much healthier. He's in sweatpants and a black crew neck sweatshirt matched with Gucci slides. But his eyes are greener than ever and his hair messier.

He changed, but at the same time, he hasn't.

Why's he here?

"D-dad?" I find my voice and turn to my father. He isn't shocked to see me at all. Seeing how I haven't made an effort to talk or see him for over two years, he probably hates me.

"Hello, Aurora. I presume you know Aaron?" My father says in a calm voice.

Know him? I fucking loved him.

Aaron is still staring at me. Waiting for an answer. He clenches his jaw and stares down at his hands.

"Yes, I do," I mutter and look away.

"Aaron, would you give us a minute?" Dad says and claps his hands. My father looks so different. His hair got lighter and I can already tell he isn't too well.

"Of course, I hope you look over my offer," Aaron says in a deep velvety voice and stands up. He must've been working out. He's no longer scrawny but pretty built.

He turns around and walks towards me and I feel my heart start racing. His head held high and a powerful aura surrounding him. He'd put a king to shame.

His eyes stare into mine with such intensity and fire that I had to look away.

"Excuse me," he says in a husky voice and taps his shoe impatiently.

I immediately move out of the way and close the door when he leaves. His scent the same as before.

"Dad, is what is I'm hearing true?" I ask angrily and wipe fallen tears.

"That our companies will come together? Yes," he replies smoothly. I stand there and look up the ceiling quietly, not saying anything. This is too much. A few moments later I hear my fathers voice again.

"You more than knew him, right?" He asks softly like a child. I laugh lightly and nod my head.

"Do you not read the newspaper?" I say in a sarcastic voice.

"I know, I was trying to be.....subtle." He finishes. I stare at him with teary eyes and he opens his arms. I envelop him into a hug and rest my head on his shoulders.

I know what Aaron Knight was trying to do. He was trying to ruin me, trying to take my fathers crown so he could become even more powerful.

But I'm not going to let him. This company is the thing that belongs to my dad and my ancestors built it up from scratch. Just because I want nothing to do with it does not mean I'm going to let it go so easily.

I'm sorry for what I did Aaron, I really am but I can't let you do this.

I'm going to ruin Aaron Knight before he ruins me.

I'm going to take Aaron Knights throne.

Elegant Rich Kids ♛ |Book 2 of RKs series|Where stories live. Discover now